Chapter 21: White Roses and Goodbyes

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A month later....


Santana is out of the hospital now and she doing great, the doctors were surprised that she made such a rapid recovery. Her leg and arm are still in a cast and her rib is still healing but other than that she is back to her old self being a spit fire. I swear her and Li are too much alike, like seriously I remember giving birth to her not Li. But then again the same could be said about some our other kids too. Yeah Lo looks just like Li but she acts just like Ti and I. And VI...well I think her and Ro are twins separated at birth. And the other three are variations of all us.

We went to the funeral for Eric's little girl Neveah, I've never seen Eric cry so much in the entire time that I've known him than he did at that funeral. And poor Crystal, I know she and I have had our issues in the past but she really didn't deserve to lose her little girl. At the funeral the girls and I left four white roses on her casket and Santana put 2 sunflowers. It was a sad day but god calls home his angels when it's their time.

Everything has been back to normal at the house. We filed the papers and in a couple of weeks the girls will be able to legally adopt Santana as their own. I haven't heard from or seen Michael since that day at the hospital and that's the way I prefer it to be. It wasn't until this week that his very existence even crossed my mind again. I was working at the store a little bit, when I got a call from an unknown number. Weird!

Hello, I said into the phone. Is this Jay, Uhh yeah why? You have a daughter named Santana? Who is this again? The person didn't say anything just kept breathing into the phone. Hello! I said again in an aggravated tone. Justice for Neveah and Santana has been served. What? Click! The line went dead. What the hell that was the weirdest phone call I have ever gotten. I looked at my phone again.

Then I called Ti. Hey baby, how's work going. It's good, but I just got this weird phone call though. Who was it from? I don't even know they just asked if Santana was my daughter and then they said justice for her and Neveah has been served. Really, that's some freaky shit. I know babe. Do you think we should be worried about Santana right now? No baby she is with Ro and Liyah there out shopping. Okay, she's fine then. Yeah baby don't worry about her you know Liyah and Ro got her. Okay! Hey babe I'll see you later I gotta finish up some stuff here at the studio. Okay, love you. Love you too.

A few hours later I finished at the store before leaving the girls (not my girls, but the girls that actually work for me) there to close up. On the way I kept thinking about the phone call. "Justice for Neveah and Santana" has been served kept ringing through my mind. It wasn't till I got home that I realized what it meant. When I walked in Li was on the phone with someone and Ro and Ti were looking at the T.V. intently. Like it was something on there that was just so intriguing that they couldn't tear themselves away from the TV to acknowledge me coming in.

Yeah she's here I heard Li say. Okay cool we'll be there in 15. She said hanging up the phone. Hey Jay she said kissing my cheek. Hey Li what's going on? I said looking at her like what are you hiding from me. Come here she said pulling me into the living room where Ti and Ro were.

"We are here on the scene of a double homicide in this Northwest Atlanta neighborhood. It is said that the couple that lives here is none other the infamous Chicago drug lord Michael Preston. The FBI has been looking for him for the past six years and were surprised, when a tip came in that he was actually here in the Atlanta area. There was also a young lady found in the house with him. The young lady's identity has not yet been released, but it was said that she had just returned home to the crime scene. We will let you know further details as they become available."

It was Michael's house! The house that not 3 weeks ago I was sitting in front of plotting to kill him. I couldn't say anything, but think my hell on earth is finally over. This is one time I actually made it out of the situation without getting myself into more trouble or hurt. I looked at the girls and they were still watching the TV. Well Ti and Ro were, Li was looking at me. She mouthed to me "It's over, he's gone" I mouthed back "I know". I reached for the remote and cut off the TV, he's no longer our problem I said sitting the remote on the table. I told you baby it would be okay Ro said rubbing my arm.

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