Chapter 37: The way I love you

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It's kind of surreal to be packing up for the move to Cali, I mean don't get me wrong I like California and all but I am southern girl at heart so being around all these stuck up people is gonna be an adjustment for me. The kids are totally in love with Cali already though; they have friends and everything, so the adjustment will be a tiny bit easier for them. I already got us this fly ass house for when the girls finally come out there and I am looking forward to us starting a new chapter in our lives together.

Baby are you gonna let me drive yall to the airport? Depends, are you gonna break down if I do? I can't promise that but I can try my best not too. I think all three of yall should drive us, we've been working on this unity thing just don't want me to break down and you know I won't do it in front of an audience. She said laughing and coming over to me. Partly and the other part is that I don't want us to seclude ourselves from the girls. We've been working so hard to fix this we aren't going back down that road Jay. So are you saying no more Ti and Jay, but us? There will always be Ti and Jay, but we aren't just married to just each other Jay we got two other people's feelings to worry and think about, so we need to start acting like it.

She stuck her lip out like she was pouting. Don't do that Jay you know you got me wrapped around your finger I said pecking her lips. Yes we do, Li and Ro love us and I know we love them, we act like we married to each other and they are our side chicks. Damn you're completely right Ti. It makes sense now that Ro feels like a third wheel. We made her that way always doing stuff with just us or us and Li. I understand what you are getting at Ti and I agree that we are a unit not just us. Can I get 5 minutes of Jay and Ti time one last time? 5 minutes and then we gotta go get ready for this barbeque. We were kissing like we were two teenagers who couldn't keep their hands off one another, until we heard the knock on the door. We literally had to pull ourselves away from each other. Come in, we said fixing ourselves.

Hey mom's, Auntie Brooke called and said she was running late Nicholas said. Thanks for telling us baby boy! Come here baby I am gonna miss you when yall go to Cali, Jay said. I know I am gonna miss you too mommy he said kissing her cheek. I will be there in 3 months before your birthday I promise. Okay Mommy! You gonna look after your Mom and Sister right? Yup, I'll be the man of the house. Jay and I started laughing. Man of the house huh? Yup until Tron gets there and then we will be the men of the house. Who told you about that? Charli, he said it was our responsibility to look after yall in his absence. Just like Charli to have Tron and Nicholas trained in his duties. So what else did he tell you? He told me ignore any sounds I hear coming from yall room.

Okay Nicholas you can go I said shooing him out the door. For real we gotta tame our screaming with they in the house I said laughing. I know we really do but it be so good that we really can't help it. You nasty Jay! Only for yall. Better only be for us! I said looking into her eyes. Jay you are gonna be fine in Texas, I know you will be okay, so don't worry about the kids or us just worry about making yourself happy for a change. I know Ti I am just gonna miss yall. It's only 3 months and then we will be back together, just pretend like we are on tour and it will go by like that. Okay! She said looking away. I brought her face back to mines I love you Jay know that. I love you too Ti!

Break up all that mushy shit B said coming into our room. Excuse you walking in our room like that; I said slapping him upside the head. You just gonna let her hit me like that Jay? Naw I am not ... then she slapped him upside the head too, and busted out laughing. That's what yo ass get, disrespecting our house like that. Man I am a stop messing with yall, yall too violent. Yeah whatever, why you up here anyway? Li told me to come and tell yall and I quote to "stop fucking around and come down stairs and help them get this shit ready for the barbeque". Oh did she really Jay said heading towards the door. LISA! Was all we heard as she went out the door! Did she really say that? Naw she didn't I just wanted to get her in trouble. More like get yourself killed you know those two are crazy. They not gonna do nothing to me. Alright but don't be surprised if your tires are flat and your car won't start when it's time to leave, I said following him out the room.

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