Chapter 40: Fear

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I've been in Texas for two months and I miss the hell out of my wives and kids. I just keep looking at our pictures and thinking I should have just gone to California with Ti or stayed in Atlanta with Ro. Or hell I'd be happy running through the jungle with Li right now if it meant that I was near one of them. And my babies I miss my babies so much, this is the longest that I've been away from them like ever, especially Nicholas and Santana. I can't do this I am going home I don't care if they fire me. I pulled out my suit case and started packing when there was a knock on my door. Who is it? Adrienne girl open up! I put the suit case back under the bed and went to the door.

What's up I said letting her in the room. Nothing, we about to go out you trying to go with us? Naw I am not feeling the partying thing right now. Girl you need to get out of this room and stop mopping around like your damn dog died. I am allergic to dogs for your information. She gave me the side eye, what the hell does that have to do with anything, I am trying to get yo ass out of this room. I don't feel like it I said going back to the bedroom with her following behind me. Listen Jay I've known you for two months and I am not trying to over step my bounds. Then don't I said looking at her. You know what I got you, she pulled out her phone and started dialing a phone number. I ignored her and went out pulling my stuff out of the dresser. Someone wants to talk to you she said handing me the phone. Who I said taking the phone from her.

"Hello! Jay'mee Nichole I know damn well you are not packing your suit case." I took the phone from my ear and looked at Adrienne, you called my wife? I sure the hell did so you better get to explaining to her why you are packing. Ughhh... I put the phone back to my ear. "Jay don't make me fly to Texas and kick yo ass I am serious. Baby I can't do it I miss yall too much. We miss you too baby, but this your time right now enjoy it and bring us back some banging beats. whining now put away that suit case go put on a cute outfit and go out with Adrienne. Fine i'll go but I won't enjoy myself. Stop being a little baby you will be fine, call me tomorrow Love you. Love you too baby!"

I can't believe you called my wife, how you get her phone number anyway? When they called and told us you were coming they warned us of this so we have all of their phone numbers. That figures they would do that, I said putting the suite case back under the bed. So I guess I am going out tonight? Yup you are; you got an hour before we roll out. Alright I'll be ready! An hour later I was putting the finishing touches on my outfit. Basic skinny jeans and red bottoms with a gold off the shoulder top and light makeup. I wasn't trying to draw attention to myself cause last thing I need is a scandal of any sort. You ready girl Adrienne said as I met her at the elevator. Yeah as ready as I'll ever be. I haven't been clubbing in years girl I don't remember how it even works. It's simple you look cute and men buy you drinks. Oh no I am not drinking, I can't Li and I, are on a strict no alcohol policy. Then order something non-alcoholic or order something and pretend to sip on it. I can't believe you got me out here doing this; I have six kids what I look like clubbing? You look like a hot MILF that's gonna clean up at the bar tonight. I am telling my wives you said that too, I said laughing as we got into the car to go the club. I am sure they know you a MILF, they in the club too. All you heffas is card carrying members.

An hour into being in the club I remembered why I stopped clubbing. For one it's too damn hot in these clubs like seriously turn on some damn air conditioning, two if one more dude touches my ass I am seriously going postal on all of them, and last but not least red bottoms are not meant to be worn in a club my feet hurt like shit. I was at the bar nursing my aching feet when I heard this deep manly voice. Can I get you another drink? No I am fine I said not looking up at the man obviously trying to hit on me. Well would you like me to rub your feet for you? Say what I said looking up...Eric!

Hey Jay, how are you doing? I am doing great what are you doing in Texas? My job remember, he said smiling at me. Oh yeah the job you won't tell me about? It's classified information and what are you doing in Texas, last I checked you were in Atlanta married with 6 kids, not single ready to mingle in a night club. I am not single Eric I am still very much married I said showing him my ring. I am over here working with some artists. Oh that's cool, so uhh does Ti, Li, and Ro know you out looking this good? Real cute Eric, where is Crystal? She's back overseas I can't bring her everywhere I go it's too dangerous, he said sipping his drink. What kind of shit are you into Eric, like seriously? Don't worry about it Jay it's none of your concern. How is my daughter? Eric you know she ain't really yours right? Yeah I know that but in my mind she should have been mine. She's fine Eric, she's in Honduras with Li, Lo, and Vi. You get the money I've been sending you? Yeah Eric like seriously.... So who is this Adrienne said coming up to us?

S.E.A.L. II: Through sickness and HealthOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz