Chapter 36: Before we go...La Culebra

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It's been about two weeks since Ro pulled that little missing prank and I've been thinking and waiting for the perfect time to get her ass back, not only for that but for this prank but for the Dalvin/Usher thing. I knew she was all over that prank cause there were somethings that were just too perfectly placed that night. But I never said anything I just been waiting and planning for the perfect time to get her. Now Ti and Jay arent innocent by standards in this either, I still owe them for that little prank they pulled on me a couple of weeks ago too. Oh yall don't know about that cause I am sure they didn't mention it.

*** Flashback***

Come on baby let us tie you to the bed? No it ain't happening cause if yall's asses leave me in here I am a be pissed. Please Li! Jay said kissing on my neck. Come on Li we are gonna make you feel so good Ti said kissing on the other side of my neck. Nope yall can do that shit to Ro but you not doing it to me. Before I knew it they had over taken me and tied me to the bed. I woke up like two hours later wondering what the hell happened. Jay walks in the room, Oh look who decided to wake up she said laughing. Jay I swear to god if... if I don't what untie you, you're gonna do something to me, I don't think so baby. She finally woke up Ti said coming in the room with Ro behind her. What the hell yall do to me? Don't know what you are talking about Li we didn't do anything to you. The hell I am tied to the bed and cant move. Li baby you aren't tied to the bed and you are completely dressed. I moved my arms to see I wasn't tied to the bed and I was indeed completely dressed. What did yall do to me? enjoyed it was all they said as they all three bust out laughing.

*** End Flashback***

I never did put two and two together I just know I had these big ass hickies on my neck, chest, and stomach. And when I finally did get up I could barely get up. So you know I owe them big time. I was chilling in my secret room thinking about somethings when Nicholas came down. Hey Mom! Hey baby boy what you doing down here? Looking for you, cause I wanna ask you something. What's that baby? So...Tron and I were thinking that we should be able to get a pet. A pet, what kind of pet? I don't know a dog you know we need a dog in the house with all these women. I started laughing, you don't like being in the house with all these women? Man mom yall are crazy, he said laughing now. We crazy cause yall drive us crazy. Whatever mom! know what little boy you are brilliant. I know this mom, he said looking at me like I was crazy. Go get Tron and meet me at the car. Okay mom! I just got what I am a do to them.

So which ones can you remote control operate I said to the guy behind the counter. All of these over here have remote controls, this one though is battery operated so all you have to do is turn it on and it will slither by its self. Okay good. You have any that can go in water? Yup the water moccasin he said showing me this very realistic looking snake. Perfect okay we will take all of those just put them in the box. Cool so that will be $250.00. I handed him the card and he swiped it.

Tron was just shaking his head and Laughing. What's so funny Tron? This you know they don't like snakes and you fitna give all three of them a freaking heart attack. Hey sometimes folks gotta learn the hard way. And besides did I not just buy you a snake. Yeah you did but you told me I had to keep it at my dad's house. Yeah well I am not completely crazy I happen to like being married and bringing that snake in the house would have cut off my cookie privileges. Mom, the other mom's won't let you have cookies anymore Nicholas said with a confused face. Tron busted out laughing and had to leave the store because he caught what I really meant. Even the guy ringing us up was cracking up. Uhh baby...yeah if we get caught they won't let us buy cookies anymore. Oh mom we can't get caught then. No baby we can't I said trying to hold in my laughter. We got back to the house and went in through the side entrance down to my secret room. So which one first, Tron said? Ti I said rubbing my hands together and smirking.

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