Chapter 19: Smoke Screen

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Now that we have dealt with the double mint twins, I've missed yall like crazy I said kissing Li and Ti on their cheeks. We missed you too baby! How were the trips? They were good, the fans in Europe really like the music and I am in the talks with some people to get a good distribution deal. That's good baby. What about you Ti, how was Cali? It was good, you know the kids spent a lot of time with Mack and I worked on a couple of things while I was out there. Babe you don't sound right, did something happen while you were over there? Li said. No nothing happened it's just that yall know there are a lot of opportunities out there for me and the traveling back and forth is getting a little tiresome. So you wanna move to Cali full time? I said looking at her. I mean I wanted to talk to yall about it first; I can't make this decision by myself. We all looked at each other. We've been married for 10 years now and we've all pretty much based our lives out of Atlanta, we never really dealt with the issue that maybe we would split up and live in different places according to our careers. What do yall think? I am not leaving Atlanta, so there is my answer Ro said walking off. We just shook our heads because sometimes she don't really think about things from our perspectives. It's one of the many areas in our marriage that we need to work on among other things that you've seen so far.

In all honesty yall I've been getting some offers to do some things over in Texas I said. They've been calling for a while for me to come but I put the off because I didn't think it was the right time to do them. We know about the calls Jay, we also know why you haven't taken them either. Wait how...Jay look who you talking to, we know pretty much everything about you and what we don't know, there is probably good reason why we don't know it, Ti said. I kind of been thinking of moving over Honduras for a little bit just to finish up opening the center and then yall know the production company is taking off so I will be traveling a lot for that too. So what are we gonna do about Ro and the kids? The children will be easier to deal with then Ro, right now. You know what let's not think about this right now, we just got home, and we got catching up to do. Li said grabbing Ti and my hand. Listen yall don't worry about Ro I'll talk to her okay. Ti said. She'll be fine I said. Meanwhile you two have been greatly missed; I said backing up to the stairs. Oh have we they said eyeing me! Yes you have I said running up the stairs to our room. We were like an hour into doing what we do, when my phone starts ringing off the damn hook.

Who the hell is this I said out of breath answering the phone as I sat up in the bed. Is this Jay'mee Anderson? Yes this is she; may I ask who this is? This is the pediatric unit at Emory hospital. Wait what the pediatric unit, I said sitting up. Yes ma'am your daughter Santana Preston was rushed in this morning she was in a car wreck. After she said car wreck I dropped the phone and jumped out of the bed running to put on clothes. Wait Jay what's the matter Ti said following me into the closet. Hello! Li said to the lady on the phone. Yes is this still Ms. Anderson? No this is her wife, what happened? Well her daughter is in the hospital. Oh my god is she okay? She's...well it would be best if yall get here as soon as you can. Okay we are on our way right now. Jay baby, she's gonna be okay Li said putting on clothes. What the hell is going on, she won't tell me Ti said. Santana was in a car wreck. Oh my god Jay, baby it's gonna be okay. I....we...just need to get to the hospital right now! I said in short spurts of breath. Lo and Vi yall are in charge don't leave the house Li yelled as Ti helped me to the car. Okay mom they said coming out of their rooms. Where the hell is Ro at right now! Li said trying to call Ro while driving at the same time. Jay baby I promise you she's gonna be okay, Ti said holding me in the back seat as I cried. Ti I swear if anything happens to her, don't even think that way, she's gonna be fine okay baby. Yeah Jay's she's a fighter just like her mama she's gonna be fine, Li said.

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 With Ro...

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