Chapter 25: The best part of us...

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The day has finally come for the girls to adopt Santana I couldn't be more excited that they are finally getting to do this. The only thing is they are going to find out that Ti's name has been on Santana's birth certificate all along and we didn't tell them about it. Ti I got a bad feeling about this. What's the matter? If we don't tell them shit is going to hit the fan literally and I just don't want to ruin this moment for either of them.


She's beautiful Jay, Ti said kissing my forehead. Thank you baby! You wanna hold your daughter while I go to the restroom. Yeah give her here. Hi mommies baby, I love you so much, you don't even know how much I love you precious baby.

I was in the restroom looking in the mirror. I can't believe I just gave birth to a little girl. When I was younger I didn't plan for this, I was one of those girls that was like I am never having kids and now look I have 6 of them. Well 7 but you know that story already. Li asked me the other night if she could sign the birth certificate and I didn't know what to tell her. Honestly, I want her and Ti to sign the birth certificate together then what about Ro. I don't want to leave her out, but Santana is kinda the blessing I was hoping to only share with Ti and Li. Damn I gotta figure this out. I washed my hands and came out the bathroom just as the nurse was coming in. Hey girls! Hey Ms. Niecy, how is that precious baby she said looking over Ti's shoulder at Santana. She's good now, she was a little cranky earlier but now she's fine. That's good, well I am bring paperwork that needs to be signed. Okay these are just standard hospital forms, but this is a very special form, it's her birth certificate. Okay I said looking at Ti.

I signed all of the other paperwork, but when I got to the birth certificate I stopped. What's up Jay? I want you and Li to sign this but what about Ro? I don't know Jay. I looked at the form and then back at Ti. I signed the birth certificate and then I passed it to Ti and took Santana from her, I didn't have to say anything she already knew and signed it. Here you go Ms. Niecy she said handing it to her. Thanks girls, take care of that precious angel. We will don't worry. We'll tell them when the time is right Jay. I just hope Li can forgive me for this. ***End of Flashback

I know Jay I was up all night thinking about how to tell them. There really is no good way to say that all these years she's already had your last name.

Whose had your last name Ro said coming into the room? Ti and I looked at each other for a minute. Uhh Ro we got something we want to tell you before we go and sign the paperwork. Okay what is it? Well Ti's ....hey honey's Li said coming into the room. Hey baby, go ahead and have a seat next to Ro please. Sure thing babe, what yall talking about anyway? It has to do with signing the paperwork today. Okay go for it tell us what's up she said with the biggest smile on her face. Damn in a few minutes she will not be smiling.

I took a deep breath before saying what I know is going to really hurt them. Especially Li, I hate that I've kept this secret from her for the past seven years. Li and Ro before we go and sign these papers there is something that I have to tell you and I don't know how to say it. Just say it Jay, it can't be that bad. I just blurted out, Ti's name has been on her paperwork since she was born; technically she's been her daughter since the day we left the hospital. It was so quiet in that room you could hear a pin drop. I couldn't even face either of them right now knowing that I'd known this for so long, especially knowing how much Lisa wanted Santana to have her last name. She's been begging me since the day we left the hospital to adopt her and I just kept putting her off. I don't even know why I did, I mean I shouldn't have let Ti sign the papers I should have let Li do it but it felt right at the time to have Ti do it.


I just looked at the two of them, for seven years she's had Ti's last name and they haven't said shit to me or Ro about it. I can't even deal right now because Jay knows, she knows how much I wanted to adopt Santana and I've been asking no scratch that begging her since the very beginning and she'd tell me "soon enough Li" or "don't worry Li it's going to happen". Michael was right she never wanted my name on the paperwork in the first place because Ti's name was already on it. I just got up and left thehouse because if I don't I am going to say something that I will surely regret.

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