Chapter 8: Why can't we be happy?

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I don't know how Ti and Ro pulled off this party without us knowing about it but they did. We were all having a blast with our friends and family nothing could ruin this night.  Or maybe I spoke too soon, I was at the bar getting something to drink when out of nowhere who pops up, Shawn! Jay isn't the only one with an ex that just doesn't know when to disappear. 

Hey Lili you looking good tonight.  Shawn why are you here? I said looking at him with a disgusted look on my face. I can't see my favorite girl! I am not your girl, I am a married women, I said flashing my ring at him.  Married huh, you weren't married those few times when we met up in Honduras or when you were promoting your album in Europe last year.

No this nigga is not bringing up stuff from the past. I made a huge mistake messing around him again. I feel terrible because it's happened a few times and I haven't told anybody, not even the girls, I am not trying to lose my family so I've been keeping this under wraps for a while. Last year nothing happened he cornered me at a party and a photographer caught us kissing, but that was it. I had to pay that dude like 10 thousand dollars to get the negatives to that photo so it wouldn't be leaked. Now he wants to show up and ruin it, that ain't happening especially not tonight.

Listen Shawn, all those times were mistakes, big ones at that. I am not messing up my family for you or anyone else, now get the hell out of here. I don't want any of my wives seeing you here.  Li we could have had a family me, you, the twins, and the baby. No no he is not bringing that up right now!  Shawn there was never a baby it was a false positive and the twins I know for damn sure aren't yours. You keep saying that but I know you were pregnant and got rid of our baby on purpose.  I would never ever get rid of a child; I would have raised it with the rest of my kids and my wives. The hell you would have raise my child like that, he said grabbing my arm tightly. Now you are going to tell them what's been going on or I will. This nigga is not about to mess up my marriage. Nigga let go of my damn arm, what the hell is wrong with you.  Get out Shawn leave now and don't ever contact me again, don't pop up at my events, or trust you will be sorry. Oh what you gonna do Li I am not afraid of you or your "little clique of wives". At this point I wanna hurt this nigga for real but I don't want to cause a scene and I sure don't want the girls to find about this right now.

You should be afraid of me though! I looked over and Eric was standing there. Thank god for him not knowing when to disappear.  And who are you? Don't worry about that, now let her arm go and get out of here.  If I don't, Shawn said getting in Eric's face after he let my arm go. Trust me you wanna leave now you don't wanna cause a scene if you feel me, he said lifting his shirt to show his gun. Oh pretty boy gonna shoot somebody. I won't unless I have to, and I am not trying to ruin their anniversary party so just leave.  Fine I am out, Don't forget what we talked about Li, he went to kiss my cheek but I pushed him away. Nigga please, you ain't putting your lips on me ever again. He walked away and I let out a deep sigh. Of all nights for him to show up, he had to do it on the night of our anniversary party. How the hell did he even know about us being here tonight, in the first place?

Bartender can I get another one please a double, I said leaning on the bar with my head in my hands.  Yo Lisa what was up with that dude? Eric I've made a huge mistake. It can't be that bad Lisa. Trust me if the other three found out what it was I would have three of those guns pointed at me.  You didn't...with ole dude. I did and it's making me sick that I haven't told them. I just honestly don't know how to formulate the words to say it to them, because I know it's going to mess up our marriage.  Damn I never thought it would be you. What's that supposed to mean? I mean you, Ti, and Jay are like the trinity, I just would have thought if any of yall were to do that it would be Ro. She did it the first time, but of course you know that. I am so stupid, I got three beautiful wives and I am over messing around with his dumb ass. The bartender finally brought my drink. Thanks I said taking it to the head.  Eric just watched as I downed the drink.  Okay Li no more, don't mess up this night with them he said taking the glass from me and pulling me away from the bar.  Eric please don't say anything to them especially Jay, I just need some time to tell them. I got you Li, just stay away from this bar or its going to make it worse. Thanks Eric, I am gonna go find them. Alright I'll make sure home boy left for good he said walking away from the bar.

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