Chapter 3: When it rains

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We'd just got the last child out the house and now it was time for us to spend some time together until my damn phone had to ring. This always happens whenever I wanna spend time with the girls. Don't take too long Jay, Li said going up stairs.  Trust me I won't, watching her walking up the stairs. It's not nice to stare Jay. I wasn't I said looking somewhere else.  Yeah right I am not dumb you was staring at my ass and licking yo lips at me.  Maybe I was... just take your call. Oh snap the phone I totally forgot, I got lost in her walking up the stairs.  Don't know whose idea the stairs where but I want to thank them cause whenever any one goes up them it does something to the others.

"Hello! Is this Ms. Anderson? Yes, can I ask who this is calling? This is Greg Shelton I am serving as counsel for a Mr. Michael Preston. Okay, how can I help you? Well I am calling to notify you that Mr. Preston has elected not to sign the papers thatwere served to him two weeks ago, he wants to pursue mediation for joint custody of said child. I sighed because I've been going through this with Michael for the last 6 freaking months. I want him to sign over his rights so that Tionne, Lisa, and Ro can adopt Santana, but this nigga just will not do it. Fine, when is the mediation session? It's actually today at 1 is that okay for you? I guess it will have to be I don't have any other choice. Okay we will see you at 1 today then Judge Cochran's chambers. Yeah I guess so I said hanging up the phone." I swear Michael knows how to mess up everything for me. Way to freaking go Jay; you really picked a winner with him.


What is taking her so long to get back up here Li? I don't know she got a phone call, so maybe it's that. I'll be back I am going to see where she's at; I said getting out the bed. We weren't doing anything we were just gonna chill in bed for a little bit since we hadn't seen each other in like two weeks. I walked out the room and down the stairs to see Jay on the phone pacing. She looked kind of no scratch that she looked for real pissed off. Hopefully the douche bag hasn't done anything to piss off my girl and ruin our anniversary weekend. Yeah thanks Mrs. Jones I'll see you at 1 then, she said hanging up the phone and slamming it on the table.  Baby what's going on, where you gotta be at 1? Family court! On our anniversary, you have to go? You can thank Michael for that I wasn't planning on it, but his dumb ass requested a mediation session.  What has he done now? Now he wants joint custody which means no adoption of any kind.

Jay come here I said pulling her into the living room. Maybe we should put off the adoption talk for a little while. You don't wanna adopt her now? No I am not saying that because you know how much I want her to legally be my daughter and to have my last name, I am just saying maybe we should lay off pushing him to sign the papers for a little bit. You know just so things can calm down. Technically Ti she already has your last name, you signed the birth certificate remember. Yeah I know that and you remember we are the only two that know that so shh, before the other girls hear you and we have a bigger problem on our hands. You think Li will be okay once when she finds this out, I mean we've been hiding this for almost 7 years. Jay you know she wants Santana to have her last name as well so yeah she'll be upset but she will be cool in the long run. Now Ro is gonna be pissed because her last name will not even be on the paperwork.  I know I just don't think we can work in three last names. I know that baby just please for me lay low on this okay? Alright Ti but you and Li are still going adopt her though? Of course we wanna adopt her. It's the factor tying us together. You and I adopted Lo and Vi. Now me and Li are gonna adopt Santana. Yeah but Andre wasn't a bother in that. Don't worry about it babe it's gonna work out and we will adopt Santana. I am going to think of some way to put Ro's last name on those papers. Cause I don't want this to cause a problem in our marriage. That's fine just don't say anything to him or cause any unwanted attention.  

Ti why can't he just go away, if I'd known he was going to be this much of a problem I would of chose someone else. Hell I would of even chose Eric at least he leaves every now and then.  You thought about Eric as her father? I did but then I changed my mind too many lose ends with him. But had I known Michael was crazy, at least I know what Eric is capable of and I know he wouldn't be doing this shit right now. Yeah and I wouldn't have let that happen anyway. It's okay babe let's just put this on the back burner for a little bit we got a lot of stuff coming up in the next few months this is the last thing we need distracting us. 

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