Chapter 44: Unfinished Business

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1 Year later....

~Li and Ti~

Li we really cannot fit all these damn folks in this house. Why not Ti? Because its damn near 15 of us alone then you wanna add our families and friends to that. It's like damn near a hundred plus folks Li. I know but this is Lo and Vi's graduation party and I just want all the family together. I know Li but trust me, I think they will be happier if they don't have 150 of their closets family members running through the house getting into shit. You're right we can just look for another venue to host the graduation party at. Good cause we got an appointment to see another venue in like 30 minutes.

Oh you just knew I was gonna give in? It was that or I'd sex you up till you agreed. That don't work on me Ti and you know it. Don't lie to yourself Li, you know damn well that all three of us can turn yo ass out in like 5 minutes. You think Ti or was that you I heard the other night getting worked the hell over by Ro. Huh what was that I said walking to the door. Not a damn thing, Boss my ass Ro turned yo ass out all over that damn room. You know what Lisa Nicole, she said grabbing me by the waist. What's that Tionne Tenese? You just wait till we are done with this meeting I am a show you, who worked who, she said kissing me.

Eww... stop that its gross Lo said coming out the kitchen. Shut up little girl like you don't be doing the same thing. I don't because my boyfriend isn't here. We're sorry you miss Jason we said pinching her cheeks. Don't worry he will be here in a few days. Good and then we can make out like that. Yeah and Jay will kill you so, you ready to die? Ughh... Yall make me sick she said rolling her eyes. The feeling is mutual boo we yelled after her. Now come on we got a 20 minute drive there I said dragging Li out the house.

~Ro and Jay~

Zai and Zoe I know yall are not playing in that powder I said looking at them with powder all over their faces. They both sneezed and laughed at the same time. Yall just wait till your mama sees you I said shaking my head. I got all the power off their faces and changed their clothes just as Ro was walking into the room. Hey baby! Hi mommies munchkins. Okay don't say Hi to me I am just here taking care of our kids here, nothing big. No attitude Nichole I saw you, she said giving me a kiss. Well you didn't act like...she kissed me again to shut me up. I said I saw you so let it go or we gonna have some problems. Mhm problems okay. Yall see how mommy acts. Don't listen to her babies she don't know what she talking about. They were just looking at us like we were crazy and then the busted out laughing at us like we just did the funniest shit ever. I swear your kids are special Ro. They are just as much yours as they are mine. Was that the door I heard shutting? Yeah Ti finally talked Li into not having the party here at the house. Finally that girl knows we couldn't have all them folks in this house. Well if that isn't the pot call the kettle black. I remember a Christmas when you tried to get that many people in a house way smaller than this. Whatever Ro, it was Christmas that was different. No it wasn't you just don't want to admit it, she said laughing.

Why is our house so quiet, we have too many kids for this house to be this quite I said looking around? I don't know grab a baby and we'll go see. We walked through the house looking for our kids only to find them outside in the back yard playing tag. Are they really playing tag? I think they are and look Luci is base. "No that's not fair, Shi Shi yelled at Lo! Yes it is little girl. I hate you!" And then she kicked her and stomped away. Did you see that? Yeah I did, I got it I said pulling the screen door open as she stomped in the house. You already know! I said following her out the room with Zoe on my hip.

She went up to her room and flung herself on the bed. Uncalled for Santana. Leave me alone mom! She said putting her face in the pillow. I looked at her like I know damn well she ain't talking to me like that. Ro! Yeah baby. Can you take Zoe? Yeah I got her, she looked at Santana and then back at me and shook her head, don't beat her Jay. Yeah we will see about that, I said pushing her towards the door and shutting it behind her. You got 5 seconds to come correct before you and the belt have a meeting young lady. It wasn't fair she huffed. What wasn't fair? They always do that to me mom, treat me like I am not there. Santana what are you talking about I saw yall playing. So you saw Lo push me out the way, I was there first and she wasn't. So why didn't you just tell her that instead of kicking her. Because they don't listen to me and they just say I am being a baby she said crossing her arms. Shi Shi look at yourself pouting right now instead of being outside with your brothers and sisters you're in here getting in trouble for something that you could have been avoid in the first place. You're not a baby and you know that so stand up to them with your words and not your feet or your hands. Sometimes I just wish I was an only child. You don't mean that and I know you don't. You calm down and I am gonna send Lo up here so you can apologize for kicking her. Do I have to? It's that or a whooping you take your pick? I'll apologize that's what I thought. I love you Shi Shi but the attitude got stop, please. Okay mom! I left the room and went back down stairs.

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