Chapter 35: Marriage Counseling

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We are here at the marriage counselor's office because we are serious about working on our marriage. We collectively agreed that Ro would find the counselor so that there wouldn't be any bias on our part. But low key we need her to be more aggressive in the relationship a lot of our issues stem from her not stepping up, but you will learn about that in this session.

Dr. Thomas  will see yall now the receptionist said looking at us, well me more specifically. She been eyeing me the whole time we've been in the waiting room. Baby I don't like the way she's looking at me I said to Ti. What you mean? I mean she, looking at me like she wanna give me the business. Quit playing Li she is not, she said getting up. She is too I said trying not to make eye contact with her. Thanks we said making our way to the door. Hey wait she said stopping me. You're Lisa Lopes right she said looking me up and down and licking her lips. Yeah I am I said hoping that maybe Jay or Ti would come and save me from this girl. I just wanted to tell you I think you are so sexy, she said running her hand up and down my arm. Oh hell no she didn't...Babe come on Ro said pulling me into the office. Thank you god one of them saved me from her, I thought to myself.

Hello ladies so what brings yall here today the doctor said. Well Doctor we are here because we need to fix our marriage. Wait the four of yall are married? Uhhh yeah, you are a marriage counselor correct? Yeah I am but I've never dealt with four married couples at once. Uhh Dr. Thomas we aren't four separate married couples we are one married group. Well Damn she said. How yall make that work with four of yall? I mean it's difficult but we do it I said. I can see that but how do yall do it, obviously yall got some issues or yall wouldn't be here. Okay this doctor got a little attitude I thought to myself. None of us wanted to say what the real problems are.

 Are yall gonna talk or just be silent, because either way  I am still getting my $350 an hour if yall don't talk. $350!!! We said in unison. What the hell Ro $350 an hour I said looking at her. Yeah baby we need the best if we gonna do this right. For $350 an hour we better not ever fight again, I said rolling my eyes. You must be Jay she said looking at her notes. Yeah I am and! So you have the control issues I am seeing. Excuse me, I am sorry Dr. Thomas is it, I do not have control issues I said sitting up in my seat, Ti gently pulled me back a little. Yeah you do have a classic case of control issues and a serious attitude problem. Oh hell...Ti put her hand over my mouth before I could say anything. Li and Ro were looking like Oh shit. Dr. Thomas she doesn't have control issues I promise you that, Ti said.

And you are Tionne the co-signer right? Say what I said raising my eye brow at her. Yeah you always co-sign whatever the control freak says right. I held up a finger and turned to Ro, Ro what kind of quack did you bring us to? Ro was just looking like what the hell to the no. Look Dr. Thomas, Ro said. And let me guess you are the emotionally distressed she said looking at Ro. Okay that's it I said taking off my earrings. Baby sit down Li said trying to keep both Jay and I in our seats. Oh we can't forget about the mentally compromised. Say what, okay you know what Bi...great finally yall are talking. Naw what we about to be doing is beating some ass, for  insulting us like that. She started laughing. What's so fucking funny? I wasn't trying to insult yall, that's an exercise to get yall to open up. It was more like a death wish Jay said putting her ring back on. Let me explain how this work okay yall talk I listen and then I try to help yall through the problems. If yall don't talk I can't help yall. We get it doc, the insults gotta stop through cause I have no problems...what she means is that we will talk to you. I looked at Jay and she was staring the doctor down like make one false move and I break your neck. Great who wants to go first?

~ Li~

I'll go I said looking at her. Perfect so what do you think is the problem in your marriage? I think we lack closeness. What exactly do you mean closeness? I mean we are close don't get me wrong but we are not as close as we should be. Do yall agree with her on that? Yeah we do. Lisa out of the three who are you the closets too? What do you mean? I mean who do you know without a shadow of a doubt will have your back? I guess Ti and Jay. What about Ro, does she have your back? Yeah of course she does. You seem hesitate about that. Li you think I don't have your back? Ro I know you do, but it's like the one time I really needed you, you got yourself in trouble and I had to protect you. Li that night with Andre I was trying to help you, but you kept telling me to call Jay and Ti. Cause I knew they would help me Ro, they wouldn't have let him get at me like that. What was I supposed to do Li he was drunk? Rozonda you were supposed to be my girlfriend and take care of it for me, the whole time you had the gun you could of shot him at any time. Yet you let him beat me and then you get yourself in trouble and I have to not only protect myself, but my babies and you as well. Ro how does what Lisa said make you feel? Like shit because all these years she wouldn't tell me that. I don't want you to feel like shit Ro, I just needed to get it off my chest. Yeah I understand she said shaking her head. Don't do that shit Ro, you better not shut down after I tell you that. She just looked at me and then back at the doctor and crossed her arms.

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