Chapter 15: Coming Clean pt 2

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I literally couldn't say anything like my body was in a state of shock. Li just told us that she been screwing around on us. I looked over at Ti and Jay and I couldn't even read them like I didn't know if they were going to jump on her or if they were going to cry or what. Then Jay got up and ran to the bathroom. What was going through her mind, like seriously everything we've been through in this marriage and she did this. All I could do is stare at her.


What Li just told me literally just made me sick to my stomach; I had to leave the living room because I am not about throwing up on my furniture. What the hell was she thinking, 10 fucking years, 10 years and she tells us that she's been stepping out on us. Not only that, the nigga had the nerve to come to our house, and put his hands on our children. Telling them he is there stepdad what kind of shit is that? I've known for a while that he and Lisa were married for a little bit, they got it annulled like three months after, but I never imagined on my life that she would fuck with him again. And on top of that get pregnant by the dude. I rinsed my mouth out and splashed water on my face; this is going to be a long ass night, I said to myself looking in the mirror. Once I finished in the bathroom I came out and Ti was in Li's face. Ti looked like she wanted to beat the shit out of her and Lisa looked like she was just gonna stand there and take it.


What the hell is wrong with you Lisa? You know what don't answer that because whatever your fucking excuse is it doesn't matter. And you were pregnant by the nigga too. I wasn't pregnant, Ti! I... don't... give... a.. fuck; I should bust you in the face right now. Ti back off I heard Jay say as she walked up between us. Jay you not defending her are you? No I am not, but I am not going to let you hit her either. Jay she deserves to have the hell knocked out of her for this shit, do you know what could have happened to the girls if Chase hadn't called. I am well aware of what could have happened still no reason for you to put your hands on her. Fine whatever Jay, you're so lucky Li she ain't gonna let me hit you, because right now I love to do nothing more than beat yo ass for this shit. I went and sat my ass down because if I kept standing near her I would have hit her for real. I just sat there staring at her shaking my leg. The whole time Ro was just sitting there like she was confused, when she should of been all up in Lisa's face like I was. 


Honestly I don't blame Ti for wanting to beat my ass. If I were in her shoes I'd want to beat my ass too. I don't know whether to feel lucky that Jay came to my defense or to be afraid because she and I have gone to blows before so I know she not afraid to do it. She got physically sick after I told them and that made me feel even worse to know that my actions are affecting her this way. Listen I'm...


Shut up Lisa I wanna know how the hell you kept this from us for 10 freaking years. 10 years of marriage till death do us part, forsaking all others? Do you remember the vows we took that day and all the years of shit we went through just to be able to say those vows. Lisa I tried to fucking kill myself over your ass and you go and do this shit again. I just don't understand it; can you explain to me how you thought it was cool to do that and we not be hurt by it?


It wasn't...I was stupid okay; I thought that I could have my cake and eat it too. I realized after the pregnancy scare that I needed to cut off all ties with him, because if I'd had really been pregnant it would of caused so much more shit for us and between us. I didn't know the nigga was crazy until he started showing up at my events overseas and then the anniversary party. Please yall I realize that it was wrong and I am trying to make it right. Baby I know what happened in the past and if you did that now that would kill me knowing I caused it to happen again. Ti and Jay were just looking at me, Ro on the other hand look like she had sympathy for me. But I can't be too sure about that because her and I have gotten into some pretty serious arguments in the past too. 


Part of me feels sorry for Li and the other part of me feels like Jay should have let Ti bust her in the face. My questions to her are simple though. Li, I have three questions for you and I want your honest answers. Yeah Ro anything! When you were doing your dirt with Shawn did you ever once think about what you had at home waiting for you? She looked down and then back up and she had tears in her eyes. I thought about it all the time, I knew I was doing wrong and I knew that once yall found out yall were going to kick my ass. I don't have an excuse for it nor do I want to give yall an excuse either. After every single time did you go to the clinic? I did because I knew that giving yall something would be the death of our marriage. The last thing I wanna know is where you wearing your rings when you were having sex with him? I sighed deeply cause I was expecting this question to come from Jay or Ti, not Ro. Ro I said looking at her I wasn't wearing my rings when I was with him that way. Every time I look at them I think of the three of you and I couldn't do it. So I would take them off and put them up for safe keeping. At least she had the courtesy not to wear her wedding rings when she was him.


Dang Li is really in for it right now Ro was just baffled, Jay got sick, and Ti wanted to kick her ass. Y'all think the girls are gonna forgive her for this?

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