Chapter 39: Fresh Start

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So you still playing these games with them, he said as he ran his hand across my face. Negro I told you it ain't a game my ass has been married for 11 years. Seriously when are you gonna get the picture I don't want you anymore. When you stop carrying around this picture he said pulling the picture out of my purse. Hey! I said trying to snatch the picture from him. It was a picture of him and I with the kids at Disney world from last year. It was a cute family picture but I could never show the girls this picture, especially not Li, she'd kill me for damn sure. Your wives know you carrying this around? Don't worry about it. I said snatching the picture back from him. They don't do they? No because we trust each other alright. so where was that when we was getting it on in the back of my truck that one day. I looked at him dumb struck because I knew that day was a major mistake. Like I didn't even have a valid excuse to be anywhere near him other than I was bored and the kids were with their friends. You know what I don't have time for you right now, you just make sure you bring my kids back on time I said walking away from him. I got in my car and drove back to the house. Since Ro has been gone it's just been me and the kids and now they are with him for the weekend so its me all by myself. It's times like this when I get into the trouble, like big trouble. I promised Jay I would never ever cheat again and I held up my promise until two months ago, now I am scared cause I am late and I am praying to god that I ain't pregnant or Jay, Li, and Ro are gonna kill my ass.

I called up Bri'elle to come talk me off the damn ledge of doing something stupid. I met Bri the first time I came out here and we've been cool ever since. When she's not busy she keeps me out of trouble, which I wish she would have two months ago before I made this huge mistake. She reminds me a lot of Li she got that short fuse for real but she real deep and intellectual at the same time. Bri Bri! Yeah Ti what's up? Girl I need you to meet me at my house I fucked up and I need your help. Oh shit Ti what did you do? Just meet me at the house in 15. Alright girl, do I need my gun? No you don't, damn you sound like my wife. She just laughed, you know that's a lie Jay travels with her gun. Please don't remind me. I stopped by the drug store and got the pregnancy tests and then went to the house to wait for Bri to get there. 20 minutes later I was pacing the house when I heard her knock. I snatched the door open and pulled her in. Where the hell you been I said 15 minutes. Damn Ti I had to get gas shit. What's got you all nervous and shit.

Bri I fucked up I said going to sit on the couch. What you do run up the credit card bill or some shit she said sitting next to me. Naw girl I did something so stupid that I wish I drank then I could blame it on that. Come on Ti it can't be that bad. I pulled the pregnancy test out of the bag. Oh shit! She said looking at the test. Please tell me you didn't. I did and now I am late. How long Ti? Two months. What the hell is wrong with you, why your ass ain't take this last month? I don't know I was stressed with the kids and Ro needing my attention. Well go take it now! I looked at the test and then my wedding ring. Please God let this test be negative I said to myself before getting up and going to the restroom. I took the test and came back out. 10 minutes I said sitting on the couch next to Bri. Yo Ti what the fuck for real? Don't I already know it was stupid and I shouldn't have even done it I don't have no excuse. So, which one you think is gonna be harder on you? Given the fact that we've been through this too many times before I don't expect sympathy from any of them. We heard the buzzer go off and I got paralyzed with fear. I can't look at it Bri can you go and tell me what it says. Yeah I got you.

She went into the bathroom to look at the test and I prayed that the test would come back negative. She came back in with a straight face. You want to hear the good news or the bad. Just tell me Bri! Well I think you should tell Mack to relocate for real. Like he should go somewhere and change his name and identity. Shit I said! No I can't be pregnant. She came and sat next to me. If you want to me I can try to hide you from the girls so they won't kill you, I can do that. I looked at her side ways, like bitch that is not going to help. If that's the bad news Bri, what's the good news? Oh yeah that...Yo ass ain't pregnant! Oh thank you dear lord Jesus I said putting my head in my hands. You got lucky this time Ti, no more fucking with him literally, drop the kids off and get your ass out of there. Oh you don't have to tell me twice I already know. From now on I am meeting him in public places where I can't get myself in trouble. Then I slapped her upside the head and don't play like that had me about to shit bricks thinking I was pregnant by that nigga again. Aye! that hurt and you know better than to be fucking with him anyway. If not perfect timing Jay decides to call me. Who is it Bri said looking at the phone. Oh snap you better answer it. She pick the best times to call don't she I said to Bri. Your wife and she knows when you fuck up so.

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