Chapter 28: Purpose to love

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A few days later...


Li and Ro are gone for the day and just Jay and I are with the kids. Something is going on with her, I can feel it. Like take right now it's what 2 in the afternoon and she is still in the bed. Which if you know Jay that's not even possible for her, she has to be up running around doing something.

Baby what's the matter you been in bed all day? I don't know Ti something's wrong I am not feeling right I said laying there. You want me to take you to the hospital, yeah I'll start getting ready, I said pulling the covers back. Okay I am a go tell the girls to watch the little kids until Ro and Li get back. She left the room and I started trying to get up and get ready. When I tried to stand up my legs gave out from under me and I collapsed on the floor. Damn what's wrong with my legs? I was trying to pull myself up on the side of the bed.

Vi! Yeah Titi! Come here real quick, okay. She came running up the stairs. You wanted me! Yeah I need you to watch the little kids for a little bit while I take Jay to the hospital. What's wrong with mom? I don't know she's been in bed all day and she says that she's not feeling well. Sure I can watch the kids, you want me to call Lo and tell her to come home? It's up to you; you think you can handle them by yourself? I can handle them. Okay Vi I trust you, if you need anything call me or the other girls, okay Mom!

When I went back in the room Jay was on the floor. Jay! Jay! Are you okay? No...Ti... I am not okay, my legs just gave out and I feel light headed. Okay baby here let me help you up; I said putting her arm over my shoulder and lifting her up. I slowly lifted her up and noticed she was all clammy and kind of pale looking. Come on baby I am taking you to hospital right now. I said picking her up bridal style and carrying her out the room. Is mommy okay Santana said as I came down the stairs? I don't know Shi Shi I am taking her to the hospital right now. I wanna go with you and Mommy. Shi Shi you can't come right now okay baby stay here with Vi. But... she said starting to cry...Santana, don't start with the crying right now okay please I gotta get her to hospital, Lili and Ro will bring you later on okay. O...Okay she said pouting and going back up to her room. Vi go make sure she's okay, I'll call as soon as I know what's going on. Okay Mom.

I put Jay in the passenger side of the car and started driving to the hospital. She was going in and out of it. Ti...Yeah Jay, I am right here just stay with me okay! Ti... I love you! I love you too baby, don't close your eyes baby I said grabbing her hand shaking it to keep her up. It was the longest 15 minute drive of my life, but I finally got her to the hospital. I jumped out the car and went to the other side getting her out. Come on baby, stay with me I said gently patting her face. Her eyes were fluttering a little as I got her in the emergency room. Excuse me I said to the nurse, my wife...she's going in and out of consciousness! The nurse quickly called two orderlies over with a gurney. What's her name? Jay'mee! Okay Jay'mee! Jay'mee can you hear me, the nurse said flashing her little flash light in Jay's eyes. Jay'mee are you having any pain in your body? Squeeze my hand if you are. I watched her hand, she didn't squeeze her hand. Okay good. Ms...Its Tionne! Tionne is she pregnant? No she's not pregnant. I said looking at her like what you smoking. Nurse she's coding one of the orderlies yelled. Okay get her to the back asap! Wait I wanna go with her. I said still holding her hand. I am sorry ma'am you can't go back there. Please I need to be with her. I am sorry; we will take good care of her. Jay baby I love you, please baby you gotta make it for me and the girls and the kids. Ma'am we gotta get her back there. I slowly let go of her hand as they wheeled her to the back. If something happens to her I don't know what I would do. I gotta call the girls, I quickly pulled out my phone and dialed Li's number.

It was ringing for a minute before she finally picked up. Yeah baby what's up? Li...Its Jay! What's wrong with Jay? Were at the hospital, they uhh just took her back. The line was silent. Li! Lisa! Tionne what's wrong, Ro said on the other end. Why is Li crying? It's Jay she's in the hospital. No!No!...Ro you and Li gotta get here now. Okay Ti we are on are way right now. She hung up and then I called B to tell him to come to. B! Yeah Ti what's up? Where you at? I am in the studio with Charli. Yall need to come to the hospital right now I just rushed Jay in and she's not doing....Ti, we are on our way right now! He said. I tried to call Brook but I remember they were out of the country for a little bit. I sat in that waiting room for 30 minutes just praying that whatever is wrong with her will go away. I started flashing back to when we first met at LaFace in 92. I knew that day when she first spoke to me I was gonna make her mine! I flashed to our wedding day, when she walked down that isle in her wedding dress. God she was gorgeous, I didn't think she could get any more beautiful. Till the day she had Santana. She was glowing, even for someone who had just delivered a 7lb baby with absolutely no drugs. Even though she begged for them, she was too far along to get them. I can't lose her!

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