Chapter 25: The best part of

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We stopped by the house so Jay could run in and get something important. I wonder what she's getting. I don't know it must be something important Li said. Ro hasn't said three words to me or looked at me since we left the house earlier. She's passive aggressive about things so I know I am gonna have to piss her off in order to get her to at least talk about what just happened before. Ro you okay? Mhm...I am fine she said looking out the window. Li looked at me and then back at Ro and shook her head. Ro look...Don't Tionne I am not messing this up today, so just leave it alone. You fix one fire only to be brought another one from another fire. Okay we can go get her now, Jay said getting in the car. I am just gonna leave Ro alone right now cause the last thing we need is for us to get into it over this and ruin this day.


We got to Santana's school like 10 minutes later. As soon as we got to the school Li practically jumped out the car to go in and get her. Damn happy much! Ti said. Leave her alone she's just excited she's only been waiting for this moment for the past 7 years. I know I know, yall seen her face when the judge handed us the paperwork earlier? She was so freaking happy I thought she was gonna come out of her skin, Ro said. This means a lot to her Jay you just don't even know how much it means to her. Ro made a comment under her breathe, that she didn't think I heard. I know for sure Ti heard it cause she looked at me. I don't know what went down between them but they need to squash it before my baby get in this car. I do know Ti, I remember feeling the same way when we signed it for Lo and Vi, except back then it was weird for anyone to let two women sign the birth certificates. *Bet yall didn't know that, Ti and I actually did adopt Lo and Vi on their fifth birthday. Yall thought we didn't see each other while we were broken up? Nope we saw a lot of each other because of Lo and Vi. Those little girls kept us connected.*


Where is Li at she told us to meet her here and now she ain't even here on time. Come on Jay you know how she is and plus she got the girls too. Yeah well she need to hurry up cause I had some stuff planned for the girls tonight. Oh you did were you gonna invite us to it? Well that depends on if you aren't too busy with your husband Ti? Come on Jay you know...Yeah Yeah Ti, not today I am not fighting with you about this. You know what Jay this attitude needs to go because it clear you still love me and you know damn well I still love you so cut the...Hey glad yall could come Li said coming up to us. Where are Lo and Vi? There back at my mom's house. What's going on Li why are we here? We are here to get the girls birthday present. At the Department of Health Ti and I said? Yeah they are turning 5 and pretty soon they will start school, I want them to do it with the correct last names. Wait Li you saying you want Jay and I to adopt the twins? That's exactly what I am saying. I know we ain't together anymore but those little girls are our bond so I want them to have yalls last names. Wow Li I never thought you would let us do this? Why wouldn't I Jay, you are raising our little girls it's only right they have your last name and Ti you been there since the very beginning so you know I wasn't gonna leave you out.

20 minutes later we came out with the paper work. It's done they are yalls as well as mine. Li I don't even know what to say or how to feel right now. Thank you so much Lisa for letting us do this, I said hugging her. It's no problem ba...I mean Jay. Thanks Li this means a whole lot, Ti said hugging me next. It's no big deal like I told yall I wanted it this way. If yall aren't busy tonight I told the girls that we would have a big girls slumber party, if yall wanna come I am sure the girls would like that. Is that okay with you Jay? I mean it's their birthday and we did just sign their birth certificates so...I'll be there Li said grabbing my hand. At that very moment the fact that we were broken up didn't even register in my mind. Yeah I'll be there baby, she smiled at me. Come one I gotta go get their cakes, I said as we walked off hand in hand. *** End of Flashback

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