Chapter 11: Covering the lies pt. 2

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Jay just got back with the little kids and they look wore out for real. Jay what's wrong with our kids? Well Shi Shi don't like Michael at all she called him a "dumb ass nigga" last night. I couldn't help but laugh cause it was too funny. Ro I tried not to laugh but it was too funny, I couldn't even correct her. What's wrong with baby boy? Uhh what you think he was at B and Liyah's he tired cause them demon seeds they got. Aww don't talk about my niece and nephews like that. Ro please they run circles around you every time they are over here. No they don't! Really Ro, the last time they were here they literally ran circles around you in the Grammy room. Okay Jay you're right. I know I am, where are the other two? I am not really sure last time I saw them Li was walking out the room and Ti was still in the secret room. Where the liars at? All up in their rooms getting for school tomorrow, except Charli he went to take Nia home. You go find Ti and I'll go find Li I got a plan to scare the truth out of them. What are you gonna do Jay? Just go find her and meet me in the office.


I was down in my secret rooms scrubbing my couch cause there was no way I was ever going to sit on it knowing that Vi had sex on it. I had already disinfected the door handles, trash can, and pretty much any other surface I felt they may have done it on. Li baby what are you doing down here trying to kill yourself slowly from bleach fumes? Jay, I am not sitting on this couch until I feel it's clean enough. Babe if it's that bad, just get a new one. I just looked at her like what the hell why didn't I think of that. I know you didn't think of it baby, but come on I got a plan to crack the kids. What you got planned? I only want to say it once so come on so I can tell Ro and Ti too. Fine let me take off these gloves and shit. Oh and we all four need to have a talk with Santana. What my daughter do now? She called Michael and I quote "dumb ass nigga", I busted out laughing because it was too funny. Jay was looking at me like nigga that ain't funny. Jay you can't tell me you didn't laugh at that. I did it was too funny, but we gotta talk to her about it, she's 6 and shouldn't speak that way to her dad, even if she was totally correct in saying it. Okay okay I got it Jay, but I wish I could of seen her face when she said it. You know she have them mean little faces. She does don't she. What else he say. Nothing I called him on his shit. Cause he is always trying to blame shit on you. Me! Yeah but the thing is the nigga wants me. I can see it in his eyes he wanna turn me out on some real shit. But I told him that all of this belongs to you, Ti, and Ro. I tell you this, the nigga better not try anything or he will be a dead nigga. And he won't just have to deal with me, Ti will be far worse on him then I will. Exactly she doesn't play about me.

Hey before we go up here though, Li are you hiding anything from us, specifically me? Damn she got me cornered, I can't lie to her at all, and she'll call me on my shit like that. No Jay I am not hiding anything. You sure I saw you talking to Eric at the party, he's not your favorite person, so what were yall talking about? Oh that, he was just asking about when we can reschedule the BBQ. She looked at me like she was studying me. Okay Li but what about you zoning out over the past two days? I was just thinking about some things that are work related. The label wants me to go back to Europe for more press and I am just worried about leaving you here. Why you worried about me, I'll be fine and you know that. I know Jay I just worry about you and how you are feeling when we are gone. That's sweet baby, but you don't have to worry about me I am a big girl I know how to take care of myself and beside one of you is always here with me so I am cool don't worry. I know I just...Li if you are worried about being sexually frustrated while you are gone, we can take care of that too. She said pulling the gloves off my hands. How are we gonna do that? Babe that's what skype is made for; I mean how you think I keep Ti happy when she's gone? You mean...girl yes I gotta cyber-sex her up a few times a week so she can make it. Damn Ti really is a freak! And you just now figured that out. Come on I'll get you a new couch tomorrow! Okay baby.

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