Chapter 38: Stripped

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**The next four chapters are gonna be what each girl is doing while they are separated. We are gonna find out somethings, see some mistakes, and end with some huge surprises that were probably not even suspected to happen.** 


Are you sure you are gonna be okay Ro, I am not trying to send you back to Atlanta and then have to come and get you, Ti said as she handed me my clothes. I am fine Ti I need to go back and take care of the store for Jay and then we got other stuff that needs to be taken care of as well. I just worry about you Ro, these episodes...please don't Ti. I am serious baby I know it hurts but it was not your fault. You don't understand Ti I said sitting on the bed, I wanted that baby so bad and I just feel like a failure. You are not a failure Rozonda don't ever say that. Ti seriously out of three pregnancies I've only had one child. Ro this isn't about the miscarriage completely is it?

I just looked away from her, cause I never told her about the abortion the only person that knows is Li because she went with me when I had it. What are you hiding from me Ro? Ughh Ti I said getting up and walking back in to the closet. Ro! Ro talk to me. Wait...wait...three pregnancies! Ro you've only been pregnant two times. No Ti I've been pregnant three times I said coming back out of the closet. So what are you telling me, that you had a...Yes I did it was way before I got into the relationship with yall. Ro why? Because Pebbles had kicked me out the group I was scared and didn't know what to do, I couldn't keep the baby and be in the group at the same time. Did Dallas force you too? No he didn't he left the decision up to me and I decided it was best for the time.

So does Jay know about the first baby? No she doesn't, I never wanted anyone to know about that because I felt so guilty about it. Damn Ro I don't even know what to say because I can see both sides I don't agree with abortion but at the same time you were young and the group was just starting. Trust me Ti it was a horrible decision and I regret it every day and Li...Lisa knew? Yeah I couldn't go by myself I needed someone to go with me. Damn now you know you know you gonna have to tell Jay about this, you can't keep this from her especially if we all know. Yeah I know, I just wanna tell her in person. You gonna fly to Texas and tell her that and then expect to get back on a plane and go to Atlanta? Naw you tell her over the phone or through Skype or wait  till we all back together,  but do not go to Texas, cause I guarantee you, you will not leave by yourself. You're right she won't let me leave by myself. No she won't. I think I got everything I will need for the month I said putting the last few things in the suit case. Alright lets go. Nicholas! Chase! Yeah mom?  We taking RoRo to the airport come on. Can't we stay at the house? Hell naw I am not leaving yall in this house by ya'lls selves. Yall got jokes you know she wasn't gonna leave yall alone I said to Nicholas. It was worth a try he said laughing.

Call me as soon as you get off the plane she said kissing my cheek! I will baby don't worry okay. Ro I love you. I love you to baby. Nicholas and Chase make sure your mom is getting her rest and not up all night. Okay Roro we will. I'll see you in a month baby. Alright a month! I went to my gate to wait for my flight. I am not going to Atlanta immediately I need to take care of some other business first so I am going to Florida for a week to see my sister Chanelle. 4 hours later I was landing in Tampa. I saw Chanelle as soon as I came out of the gate. Oce...I wish you would yell that in this airport, I said covering her mouth. Sissy I've missed you! Girl I just saw you last month. So I still missed you she said hugging the hell out me. Where my niece at? With her daddy in Atlanta, you said we needed to take care of some stuff so I sent her up there. Damn I wanted to see her. What's the deal RoRo you in Tampa randomly without warning. I need to talk to daddy about somethings.

You know he ain't gonna talk Ro. I can at least try, plus my relationship kind of depends on it. What's up my sister in-laws giving you problems. Naw this time, its me and these damn dreams that I've been having. They know something ain't right and they been taking care of me for the last 4 years I need to fix this on my own. Alright Roro I'll take you to see him then. We drove 30 minutes to my dad's house just for him not to be there. Ughhh are you serious I said to Nelle. He does this Ro all the time, we shouldn't expect more from him. I needed to do this Nelle, to fix my marriage. What's up with your marriage, yall were fine last month. Yeah because we had went to marriage counseling and everything was good till I had another breakdown and this time Jay wasn't there to take care of me. Ro lets go to the beach. Nelle it's almost dark we can't go to the beach. Yes we can. We drove to the beach, got out and walked down to the shore.

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