Chapter 41: Youth

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*Dedicated to AyeShyy and HoodPrincessbihh because wattpad for some reason wouldn't let me dedicate it to more than one person. So here is yall's chapter, Loves*


I am watching Santana interact with all the little girls at the orphanage, teaching them the stuff she learned at school and they are teaching her Spanish and little games they play here in Honduras. I was thinking about when I was her age and all I wanted to do was make my dad happy. I did everything that I possibly could to appease him but I guess it just wasn't enough. I look at Santana and I see that same little girl the one that just wants to make us happy.

*** Flashback

Come on De we gotta do this again and get it down. Come on Lisa we've been at this all day I don't think anyone will notice if we go on different counts. They will and I finally got my dad to say that he would come to my performance so I want it to be perfect, so do this again. We did the step a few more times before it was our turn. Okay girls you ready to go out here Ms. Wallace said. I glanced out to see if my dad was there, I saw him and my mom in the fourth row with Rai and Ron. I took a deep breath and exhaled. Yeah Ms. Walker we are. We walked out on stage and the MC introduced us. "Now welcome to the stage the Dynamic duo Lisa and Dejaa"!

We did our performance to a crowd of screaming fans and when we were done there was a standing ovation. Girl we did the damn thang I said hugging Dejaa back stage. I know girl you see how they were going crazy for us? Yeah they were girl. I just know this is gonna make him happy I know it, I said smiling big. Alright Alright lets have all the groups back on the stage to announce the winners.

And the winners are...the Dynamic duo Lisa and Dejaa! Yes! We screamed as we went and gathered our trophy and the prize money. Congratulations girls my mom said meeting us on the stage. Thanks mom! Yeah Thanks Mrs. Lopes. Yall were too good Rai and Ron said. Thanks yall! So Daddy what did you think of our performance? You could of done better, you missed a step he said sucking his teeth and looking around. My mom just shook her head like really you couldn't say she did good. I just walked off because nothing I do is ever good enough for him.

Li! Lisa! Dejaa said following me off stage. Girl don't let that get to you okay, we kicked ass and if he can recognize that he's blind. Man fuck it I give up De like seriously its no use. I've been saving my money up and I am getting up out of Philly as soon as I can. Where you gonna go Li? Atlanta, I hear things are starting to turn up out there. So you gonna leave me here in Philly? De you can come with me. Naw I can't Li I got to much here to up and leave. Here she said handing me the two hundred dollar check that we had just won. Consider this my investment in you, because I now you are gonna make it. Thanks De, you've always believed in me. And I always will Lisa, just promise me one thing. What's that De? When you make it big you won't forget about me. Never!!!"

***End Flashack

I made way farther than I ever thought I could or possibly even imagine. That two hundred dollars in addition to the 500 I already had helped me get to Atlanta and never look back.  I tried to keep in contact with Dejaa for the few years and then I lost contact with her. But I never I forgot what she told me, or what she did for me. I want to find her to say thank you for pushing me to believe in myself.

Senorita Lopes there is some one here to see you Paco said taking my attention away from Shi Shi and interrupting my internal thoughts. I walked back to the front to see Kierra my cousin. Kiki what are you are you doing here? I said hugging her. I need a real freaking break and knew you were here so I hopped a flight to come spend some time with you. Dang girl you could of called or something. You ain't happy to see me Li? You know I am, just a little warning next time please. Whatever Lili where my cousins at? ShiShi is in the playroom with the other little girls and here comes frick and frack right now I said looking up at Li and Vi coming down the hall. Kiki! They yelled tackling her to the ground. Damn get yall's heavy asses off of me she said. You know you missed us Kierra don't even play like you didn't. Keep thinking that she said getting up.

S.E.A.L. II: Through sickness and HealthTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon