"Easy doppleganger you don't want anyone getting hurt" Nik said smirking at her.

"Ugh you bitches!" She shouted stomping her foot glaring at Rebekah eyebrows knotted and fists clenched.

Oh how I'd love the feeling of my knuckles placing a hard force across her face. Now that'd be a good day.

"I prefer to think of it as...you sort of had it coming" Rebekah said squinting at her.

"Yes now darling no need to get your knickers in a twist" Kol said not removing his devilish grin.

"You've done that enough recently" Rebekah added looking at Damon,  Elena growled whilst Nik and I chuckled.

She then attempted to run at Rebekah arms a flying and fired up but Stefan sent her flying back onto the ground.

Go Stef.

She immediately climbed and scrambled back to her feet scowling as Damon held her back.

"Stefan" Damon growled fiercely at him like he was about to punch him but clearly he had other problems at the moment.

Elena if you will.

"I'll get you back for this" she shouted then glared at me as I held my wolffish grin.

"Down girl" Nik whispered to me proudly as Elena struggled against Damon.

"Oh now stop the dramatics. Go hobble on we have to get moving" Nik said to Elena loudly now standing in front of me glaring at her.

She growled and stormed off to her tent like a child stomping her feet, Damon following her like a dog with a sigh.

What will it take for him to realise?

"Aria, I told you not to leave my side and you sneak out?" Nik asked angrily, I shrugged an innocent smile dancing on my lips pointing at Rebekah.

"Nik don't act like that wasn't the best wake up call you've ever had" Rebekah said crossing her arms grinning.

"I've had better" Nik said smirking at me his eyes darkening with lust and I shoved him shaking my head as Stefan gagged.

"Please no. To early for this" Stefan said and I chuckled as Kol kept a happy face for some godly reason.

"Down boy" I said quietly to Nik who's hands were roaming and I wanted to stop him before anyone noticed.

"Right children. Well we'd better get ready then" I said squeezing Nik's hand to stop him.

"Your the little one, sister" Stefan retorted with a grin I was about to reply but was cut off from Bonnie running out of her tent yelling bloody murder.

"Jeremy's gone!" She shouted panicked in a frenzy.

What. Jerbear is gone?! Christ no.

"What!?" Nik hissed at her as I walked to her with him as he had his hand stuck with mine.

"What do you mean he's gone Bonnie" Stefan said grabbing her shoulders harshly.

"He's not in his tent! I've checked all around here he's gone" She said as Damon, Elena and Shane ran out with the shuffle of their feet.

"Well that's brilliant" Rebekah groaned rolling her eyes as Stefan crossed his arms.

"Did he say anything weird or act strange last night?" I asked her.

"No, h-he was fine" she said biting her thumb trying to think as I placed a hand on her shoulder to calm her.

Jeremy is like her rock she loves him and he keeps her under control with magic.

Aria Salvatore x Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now