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Mouni laughed to cover up her intentions.

Mouni : I was teasing you jiju, you are so shy baby. I thought you can take a bit flirt. But....

Before she could complete her statement, someone rings the bell of her flat.

Mouni : wait, I will be back.

Karan : hmm.

Karan take out his hanky, he wipe his sweat because he is really feeling nervous here.

Mouni opened the door and unexpectedly, it's Tejasswi.

Mouni (make a face like she spoiled her plan) : Teju, you here?

Tejasswi push her back and walk inside the house.

Tejasswi : where is Karan?

Mouni : what's wrong with you, Teju... How can you behave like this to me?

Tejasswi : I asked you something, where is Karan?

Mouni : relax bro. What happened? (Now she feels nervous, because Tejasswi seems really serious)

Karan came out.

Karan : Teju?

Tejasswi went ahead and hold Karan's hand.

Tejasswi : Let's go, Karan.

Mouni : wait wait, will you tell me what happened to you? Why are you behaving like this to me?

Tejasswi : look Mouni, I just don't want to disrespect you, just because there was a time when you were my friend. More like a sister.

Mouni : I was your friend? What do you mean by this?

Tejasswi : don't act over smart. Okay? And I am giving you last warning stay away from my husband.

Mouni : what rubbish are you talking?

Tejasswi : you just shut up, Rohit told me everything that how you dumped him comparing with Karan. Then, you came here to ruin my life.

Karan : Teju...

Tejasswi : let's go.

She hold Karan's hand and they were about to leave.

Mouni is silently watching them leaving, because her real face exposed to Tejasswi already.

Tejasswi : and yeah, pack your bags and go back to Jaipur. You are fired.

Stay tuned.

150+ votes on this and previous two chapters for double update tonight

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