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I laid in bed just staring at the ceiling. I kept waking up every hour because I was uncomfortable with this brace on.

And to top it all off, I was alone in bed because Adaeze was scared she'd hit my knee in her sleep and hurt me. So she was in her own bed.

Why are we put on this earth just to suffer?

I grabbed my phone and checked it to see the time.

When I did, I saw our basketball group chat had a lot of notifications from hours ago.
Even though I kept waking up, I fell asleep early because of pain medication so I don't even know if we won or not.

I opened all it.

"Get well soon Ko" said Trent.
"Hope you feel better soon bro" said Jaylen.
"We beat them in your honor bro. Get well soon" said KJ.
"Sorry about your knee man. Hope you feel better soon" said Daniel.
"Get well soon" said Jude.
"Couldn't stop you so they tried to kill you, it's a crazy world we live in. Get well soon ko" said Matt.
"Sending an air strike ko, don't worry. You rest up and heal. We'll handle them" said Chris.
"Why tf would you say that?" Jaylen asked with a dead emoji.
"You know we got fbi agents in our phones and shit. What if their houses really blow up? Now they think we did it" said KJ.
"Let em think that. It's gonna take an army to stop me" said Chris.
"Mr. FBI agent, it's just him. Leave the rest of us out of it." said Matt.
"Nah they're accompleces"
"Bro that is not how you spell that. Accomplices?" said KJ.
"He get into college and think he Sherlock Holmes. Who asked you?" said Chris.
"Wtf does Sherlock Holmes have to do with it lmao?" Jaylen asked.
"Here he go" said Chris.
"Can all of you shut your crazy asses up? Youre probably disrupting his sleep with your bs" said Trent.
"Get well soon" said Micah.
"Look at him^ late as fuck. Where tf were you twenty minutes ago?" Jaylen asked.
"Hungry ass"
Everybody sent laughing emojis.

I'm on a team full of idiots.


I woke up for the fifth time and this time I stayed up.

I was on crutches now and had to stay balancing on one leg in order to move around. The effort made me really not want to go to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Or do anything actually. I don't wanna even get out of my bed because of it. It would be so much work.
But obviously I did it. I have a girlfriend. I can't just mope around with morning breath.

I got to the bathroom and just felt like a loser. My crutches kept clicking as if the whole world needed to know that I can't walk.
I took out my toothbrush and toothpaste to get it over with.
I had my crutches resting against my body while I stood on one foot and brushed.

This is so much work.

I finished after a couple of minutes and spit. Then I remembered I had to go down a flight of stairs to find breakfast.
I groaned loudly.

I think it grabbed Adaeze's attention.
She popped up in a t-shirt and her small shorts. Her braids were in a big bun on her head and she was wearing her glasses.
"What is it?" she asked.
I think she's on edge now because I'm injured. She's very careful and receptive about it. So cute.
I gave her a quick peck on the lips. "I just remembered I had to go down the stairs like this."
"Are you hungry?" she asked.
"Lay down. I will get it."
"No, it's okay. I can figure it out."
"No, no. Go to your room."
"Are you sure?" I asked.
"Yes. Go."
"You're so bossy." I snickered then crutched towards my room.

"What would you like?" she asked.
"A bagel would be nice. You don't have to fix it for me. You can just bring the jelly and I'll make it." I told her.

She went down the stairs and I went into my room.

I sat back on my bed with my legs up and turned on the tv.

I guess I can put on a movie or show I've been meaning to watch.

Of course this would happen when I don't have classes anymore. It would've made a great excuse to not go. But no, just take my entire Christmas break. Thanks.

If I start a show, it would have to be one me and Adaeze planned to watch together. So I'll just wait to do that for when we're together.
I put on a movie that was on my watch list for the time being.

It got a few seconds in before Adaeze entered my room.

I looked at her.

She had a plate in one hand and a glass of juice in another while she came closer to me.
I saw on the plate a cut bagel with jelly spread on each slice and sliced fruit.
"Baby, I told you I'd make it." I stated.
"I know, it's okay." She gave me the plate then set my juice on my nightstand.
I moved so she could get in the bed with me and she took the hint.
I kissed her head. "Thank you."
"Mhm." She took one of my strawberries and ate it.
I snickered then looked back at the tv screen while I took a bite of my bagel.

It was good.
I held it at her.
She took a bite of it with her eyes on the screen.
I took the next bite and we watched the movie while we chewed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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