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"Baby, look at me." I stated.

We sat in the student union at a table. Dylan was also here.

Adaeze sat across from us with her arms still crossed and her head turned to the side away from me.

"I think she's mad, dude." Dylan pointed out.
I looked at him. "Are you some kind of fucking idiot?"
"I'm just saying!" he argued.
"Well don't 'just say'!"

I looked back at Adaeze.
"Can I ask why you're mad at me?" I asked her.
"Probably because you were talking to that slut." Dylan answered.
"Bro, go away."
"I have nothing better to do." He shrugged and leaned back in the seat.
I rolled my eyes and looked at Adaeze again.

"Baby, I didn't invite her over. She came over and I was about to leave. She said she just wanted to apologize for what happened and that she'd leave right after. You came while I was telling her I wanted nothing to do with her." I explained.
She looked back at me.
"I swear."
She looked at Dylan.
"I can vouch. He hates her. So that's probably actually how it happened." Dylan answered.
"How about vouching that I'm not a fucking liar?" I asked him.
"Remember that time you were supposed to go to Nick's party with me so I wouldn't be bored out of my fucking mind and you told me you were sick but really you slept the entire day? Yea, that was a lie, asshole. I'm not gonna lie to her."
"Are you out of your fucking mind?" I asked him. "We were 14."
"Mimimimimimi." he said in a high pitch voice. "That's what you sound like."
I shoved him by his head and he almost fell out of the seat.

I gave my attention back to Adaeze. "Do you believe me?" I asked.
"Yes." she finally replied.
"Do you wanna go look for our costumes now?"
"Yes." She got up with her arms still crossed and left the booth.
She didn't even wait for me to get up.
I sighed with my face in my hands.

"I don't think she believes you." Dylan stated.
"She believes me. She's just still mad." I groaned.
I looked at him.
He looked back at me.
I blinked at him.
"What?" he asked.
"You want me to crawl under the table? MOVE! I can't get out the fucking booth, dumbass!"
"Oh." He got up and moved out of the way.
I got out next.
"Have fun. Don't get a slutty costume." he instructed.
"I will and you better like it!" I demanded.


We walked around the costume store together looking for a specific cop costume but also getting distracted by other props.
She was definitely still a little upset.

She wasn't cracking nearly as many silly jokes as usual and she didn't talk much except when I asked her if something was cool and she either nodded or said no.

Fuck Reagan.

I looked around to make sure we were the only ones on the aisle since the store was kind of busy. Being that we were close to Halloween.
I saw a pair of large gag sunglasses and grabbed them.

I grabbed Adaeze's hand and gently pulled her to me.

"Are you mad at me?" I asked her.
"I am not mad at you." she answered dryly.
"Then why are you acting mad at me?"
"I am mad at her. Not you. I do not like her." she clarified angrily.
"Baby, I'm not gonna speak to her ever again. You don't have to worry about her." I stated.
She looked away from me.
I gently pulled her face back. "I don't want you to be mad." I kissed her forehead. "What can I do to make you happy and bubbly again?"
"I am okay. I'm not upset anymore." she stated.
"So...if I put these on..." I put on the comically large sunglasses. "You're gonna give me a laugh?"
She giggled a little.
I reached past her. "You could've given me something better than that." I stated.

I brought my hand back with a scary mask on it.
"RAH!" I said and jumped it at her.
She flinched and gasped.
I laughed at the fact that worked and she shoved me and laughed too.
"That was not funny!" she stated.
"You laughed, it had to have been funny!" I argued.
She rolled her eyes and walked off.

I put the mask back then followed behind her once she turned the corner.

I turned in the same direction she did.
I jumped when someone came around the corner with some scarred clown mask.
She laughed and took the mask off. "You're right it's very funny."
"Wow." I responded. "Alright. You just made an enemy out of me. This is war."
"War?" she questioned.
"Yep. Stay on high alert."
"How about you stay on high alert. I still remember when we went to see that horror movie." she sassed.
"You said you wouldn't bring that up. I told you I wasn't scared."
"Of course not. You flinch out of joy, that's all." she mocked and smiled.
"You're lucky you look hot when you undermine me or else I'd be fuming right now." I stated.
She laughed and walked back down the aisle.
I followed behind her.

But now I wasn't just looking for our costume, I was looking for stupid stuff to scare her with.
She's terrified of spiders.
I remembered there was a big furry prop one on one of these aisles.
She's gonna kill me, but it'll be worth it.

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