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We went to our first class of the day and I wasn't even dressed like I was out of my bed. I'm in pajamas.
Well I'm in sweatpants and a t-shirt. My actual pajamas is just my underwear so...

First exam of finals week.

Let's get this over with.

Me and Adaeze walked to our usual seats and sat down.
Almost everybody else was dressed the same way I was. Glad we had a mutual agreement.
Except Adaeze. But I'm pretty sure it's just in her nature to be hot 24/7.

"Good morning, everyone." The professor walked in.
He got far less good mornings back than usual.
"Never mind. I can tell by the lack of enthusiasm and emphasized groans that this is not a good morning." he stated. He placed his bag onto his desk while he stood leaning against it.

He's right.

"Due to the size of this class, I could not print out enough tests. There are almost seventy of you. Which means I could, technically, but that feels like a waste of paper. And I'm not a fan of paper cuts. So your exam will be online. Pull out your laptops."
We all went through our bags to grab our laptops.

Maybe this means I can cheat.

I won't.



I went to the website all of our school work was on and clicked on this class.
The final popped up first and I opened it.

55 questions is maniacal work.

"Fifty multiple choice and five written response. The browser will know if you switch to another page to Google your answers."
"Good luck to all of you. You have two hours to complete it, leave when you're done." he said and sat down at his desk. "Please begin."


"I'm dizzy." I stated.
Adaeze giggled. I finished after her and found her sitting outside the lecture hall waiting for me.
"Aren't you a bit dramatic?" she asked.
"No, I literally cannot think for the rest of the day. That consumed every ounce of brain power I had. I'm done. No one should ask me anything ever again." I said while we left hand in hand.
"Do you think I'm pretty?" she asked.
"I will faint right now."
She laughed.
"And not even because of the exam. Because that's just how pretty you are. I will have answered your question without an answer but if anyone else asks me something I will combust into flames." I stated and she laughed again.

We were walking towards the union and ran into Dylan.

"Yo, how'd it go?" he asked.
My body immediately fell limp and he caught me.
"What the hell?"
"You cannot ask him any questions. He has no more brain power." Adaeze explained to him.
"It was that bad?"
I groaned.
"Right. No questions. My bad." He stood me back up straight.
"What's up with you?" I asked him. "Did you take your first one yet?"
"So you can ask questions, you just can't answer them?"
I went limp again and he caught me.
"I hate you." he stated and stood me up again while Adaeze laughed.

"Just don't talk for too long or you'll lose me." I sighed.
"I took one. It was cool. Not super long but there were too many written response questions and I hate those." He kept his answer brief and I appreciated that.
"Cool." I nodded.

"What about you, Adaeze?" Dylan asked.
"I thought it was pretty okay. I expected it to be much harder." she responded cutely.
Dylan looked at me.
"You can't roast me about this. I already knew I was the idiot in this relationship. You'd only be telling me something I already know."
He scoffed.

"What're you doing right now anyway?" I asked.
"Waiting for Ife. But it'll be a while. She has two classes back to back."
"So do I. So I guess you two will be together while I go?" Adaeze stated and faced me.
"Okay, I'll be inside the union when you get out." I told her.
She gave me a cute peck on the lips but I pulled her face back and kissed her a few more times. She giggled onto my lips.
"Alright! That's enough!" Dylan interrupted. "You freaks."
"I will see you later." Adaeze told me.
She waved to Dylan then walked off to her class.

"Aren't you a bit too obsessed?" he asked me.
"I don't think I'm obsessed enough actually. Didn't I tell you not to ask me questions? You're breaking boundaries. Not cool."
"Shut up, idiot."

"Come on, it's cold out here." I stated and headed towards the union.
"Why didn't you bring a jacket?"
"Cause I was worried about taking a 55 question long exam, MOM!" I snapped. "Stop asking me questions, I swear to god I'm gonna get mad."
"Adaeze was right, you get sassy over finals."
"Shut up."

"And I'm hungry." I stated.
"So this is hangry and finals? Bad combination."
"Are you mocking me?" I asked.
"No, I just never realized you were such a diva." He shrugged.
"I will cause you harm." I threatened.
"Period, sis. Set those boundaries." he joked.
"Bro, shut up!" I laughed. "I'm not sassy."
"Sure. Whatever. Your girlfriend disagrees though."
"She thinks I'm sassy if I so much as roll my eyes."
"Because that's sassy."
"Bro, you roll your eyes all the fucking time!"
"I didn't say I wasn't sassy."
"You're weird."
"Wooooowwww. In this day and age you're gonna call a man weird for being sassy? So closed minded."
"Oh my fucking god, shut up."
He laughed.

We walked into the union and I went to the store to find something to eat.

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