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I'm done.

I'm finally done.

It's over.

I don't have to do anything ever again. (Ignore that I have spring semester in a month and then an entire life of adulthood right after that).
This is phenomenal.
Sleep again.
Eat maybe.

"You ready for your game on Friday?" mom asked.

"Yea." I answered.

I was laying on the couch at home with my head in Adaeze's lap after we finished two more finals.

"Last home game for a while isn't it?" mom asked.
"Until like February. Or late January." I stated.

"It's so sad." Adaeze spoke up.
"I can put you in my suitcase if you want." I told her and looked up.
She giggled with a soft hand gently against the side of my face. "It is okay. I will wait for you."
"That's not as fun."
She laughed.

Kinda wish I could just stay like this for a while. Maybe a day or two. Or three. A week? Month? Year? Whatever.
I'm so tired.
I actually don't want to do anything at all ever again.

Some people call that laziness.
Some call it depression.
Why can't I ever just "not wanna" without it needing to have some sad label. If I can "wanna" and you don't question it, why do I need to be questioned if I "don't wanna"? Have the same amount of not giving a fuck for both. Don't care that I wanna or that I don't wanna. Just be like "cool" and ignore me.

You're not gonna hear from me for a few days. I'm gonna spend it zoning out. I'll see you when I have to lock in and it makes me get back to narrating. I need time to myself. It's been hectic.


It's Friday.

Told you.

Do I remember from Wednesday all the way up until an hour ago? No.
I'm not even sure if I had breakfast this morning. Aren't you asking a little too much of me?

I had to be at the gym for 5, our game starts at 7:30 but the girls' team plays before us.

I was on the game right now while I waited and Adaeze was laying in my bed on her phone.

"Baby." I called.
"Do you still get home sick?" I asked randomly.
"Why do you ask?"
Knew she'd ask me that.
"Just wondering. It's been like four months since you got here. I was wondering if you got used to being so far away yet."
"I think so. Being with you helps."
"Awwwww, do you mean it?" I joked and faced her while twisting in my chair from side to side.
She laughed. "Yes, I mean it. I don't worry about being away from home because I am with you. But sometimes I can see something that makes me miss my parents."
"Not your brother?" I wondered.
"He is too overbearing. He acts like a second father but he is stricter. Or maybe it is the same but when it is my father I don't mind because he is just that. My father. When my brother is strict it gets on my nerves. Why can I not wear what I want to wear or go out and be with who I want to be with without him asking me too many questions? I can hardly be out past sundown without him asking me where I am and what I am doing. I am 21 years old. I will be 22 soon." she explained.
"He must really love you."
"He is a pain in my ass. I get it enough from my father. I don't need it from him too. I argue with him everyday back home." she stated.
I snickered.

Her alarm went off.

"What's that for?" I asked.
"I put my shirt for your games in the washing machine." She got up and went to go put it in the dryer.

She's so cute.

I faced the game again and kept playing.

My phone rang and I picked it up to look.
It was the group chat.
I answered it.

"What's up?" I said.
"Are you on the game right now? Don't you have a game in a bit?" Dylan asked.
"The game is in like three hours. I have an hour before I have to be there. What are you talking about?"
"Still. You have a basketball court in the backyard, you should be shooting around or something."
"What're you, my coach?" I sassed.
"He might be right. TSU has gotten pretty good. The guys I work with talk about college basketball a decent amount since you guys show up on the tv. So I heard they've got some aggressive defense this year."
"Won't matter." I said with my eyes on the tv screen.
"You're so wishy washy. Do you care about the sport or not?" Dylan asked.
"I mean...I care about the scholarship money. And I like winning. And adrenaline."
"Yea, adrenaline is probably the only time you don't feel like falling asleep." Dylan joked and Tristan snickered.
"Yea." I agreed. He's not wrong.

"You sayin' you don't think we'll win?" I asked them.
"No. You're gonna win. I just think it might be harder than the last times you played them." he explained.
"Thank you for your faith."
"Of course, brother."

Adaeze came back into the room and laid in my bed again to wait for her shirt to finish drying.

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