Chapter 106

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Where'd all the time go by Dr Dog

Where'd all the time go, it's starting to fly.

I'm currently being suffocated by the costume designer tightening my corset until I physically can't breathe. Tonight marks a year since Tobias Hawthorne's will was read, the day we came here, also known as the day Avery receives her incredulous quantity of inheritance. We're having a party, as per Xander's request, but it's secluded to just a small group of us.

I'm wearing a pale pink that flows angelically like a princess dress straight from a fairytale. The constricted bodice clings around my stomach, enunciating my breasts. The dress is a low décolletage with no straps. The skirt is a long and thick bouffant materials. Small flower designs trail down the dress like a garden.

My blonde hair is curled and left down, gold jewellery covering my skin, but the most important piece is Toby and my Mom's chain necklace.

I don't know how Avery does it, she once again looks astonishingly gorgeous in her red ball gown. Velvet that fits tight around her waist but puffed out around the hips. Her lips match the dress and her hair is pinned into a top of head bun with a few loose hairs.

Libby is wearing a dark blue dress that's more straight and flowing than Avery's large one. It's got long lace off the shoulder sleeves, luxurious flower patterns and expensive looking feathers. Her hair is half pinned back and her makeup is incredible.

Max is wearing a gorgeous sage green dress, pastel butterflies and flowers adding an extra pop. The sleeves of the dress are thin straps tied into bows. Her makeup matches the look, her raven hair coiled into bouncy curls.

The four of us head down to the foyer where all the boys are. It's a small gathering, no paparazzi or media, well technically there is. Avery hired a photographer to take paparazzi photos of us all night for memories, except we know the photos aren't going anywhere so for once i'm not scared around cameras.

We drift down the stairs, the guys scanning us up and down. Grayson's eyes undoubtably wander, and when I get down he opens his mouth to tell me something but it only comes out as cracking a high pitched.

His brothers all start laughing and yelping as they mock him. "You look incredible." He manages.

All the guys are matching ties with our dresses. Nash's is dark blue, Jameson's is red, Xander's is sage green and Grayson's is pink. He was hesitant to wearing a pink tie at first but he got on board once he took one look at my dress on the mannequin, this is the first time he's seeing me in it.

I smile with a blush taking over my cheeks, I fix his pink tie for him, knowing very well that he has already tied it to perfection. He hates it when people mess with his suit, which is why i'm so shocked that he doesn't tell me to stop or fix it. 

We have five activities to do before midnight. It's sort of scary that we've been here a year now. We all head down to the sculpture garden, Grayson's hand around my waist holding me close. Ever since that night we went skinny dipping his ankle's been wearing a brace, doctors said it was a sprain, which of course had his brothers in fits of laughter. He hates it, mostly because I insisted on signing it, which started a ripple effect of everyone asking to sign it, every time someone asked he got angrier and barked an impatient no. I guess I was his exception.

"The name of the game, is hide and go soak." Xander announces proudly. No doubt all of this party was his idea. "The objective: utter aqua domination." He instructs.

We each get a water gun. This is a great activity to do first considering we've all just got dressed into expensive ball gowns and now everyone will be soaked.

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