Chapter 79

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Lookalike by Conan Gray

Baby don't lie, it's just a lookalike.

It was weird sleeping in my bed again, the sheets had stayed the same since I left, it was clear Avery hadn't let my room become a guest room. Everything was left untouched. The curtains still half drawn, the toothbrush I left was unmoved.

I roll onto my side to see Grayson sleeping in my sheets, my ball dress piled on the floor beside his tux. One thing I've learnt about Grayson is he rarely sleeps but every time he does he's out like a light. There's no waking the dead, but if there was it would still be easier than waking Grayson. 

I snuggle close to his chest and let myself enjoy this moment. That is until a sharp knock to my door interrupts my relaxation. 

"Who is it?" I yell out. "Wake up Paris!" Xander's voice yells back in response. 

"Shit." I mutter. "One minute!" I tell him. I hear chatter outside my door suggesting it isn't just him.

"Grayson! Get up!" I whisper hiss as I shake his body aggressively. "Hmm?" His voice asks groggily.

"You need to hide." I tell him. He looks at me puzzled but then a voice makes everything clear, "Hurry!" Xander yells.

Grayson fumbles to put his clothes back on, he looks around for an escape route. We both search for a way out, I gesture to the balcony, "I am not jumping out a third floor balcony." He hisses at me. 

I groan annoyed and then pull the Moby Dick book out my book shelf. The shelving pulls out and reveals a passage way, I shove him through it but right before I close it again he leans forward and places a quick kiss on my lips.

Once the passage is shut I run to the door and pull it open, trying to hide my deep panting.

Xander, Max, Libby, Avery, Nash and Jameson all stare back at me.

Libby blinks at me and subtly gestures to me, it's only now i remember I'm only wearing underwear. "Shit sorry." I mutter. 

I turn around and grab some shorts and a T-shirt that I had left out from last night when I attempted to unpack everything before giving up and having sex with Grayson instead.

I throw the clothes on and return towards them. "What took you so long?" Avery asks me. "Was just finishing up a call." I lie.

"With Hayden?" Libby teases, poking my arm jokingly. "What? No." I turn a little red. Hayden is like the code name every kid has for their crush with their friends so their crush doesn't find out their talking about him, only this time it's my friends that I don't want to know.

"Who's Hayden?" Jameson asks, holding back his jealousy. "Paris' boyfriend." Max informs him. 

I walk out my room and start to walk down the hallway, the whole group following me. 

"He's not my boyfriend." I insist. 

We walk down the hall in a group until we're out of my wing, I walk into someone when rounding a corner. 

I look up and find Grayson looking down at me. Dirt and dust covers his cheeks and clothes having just got out the tunnels. He's carrying his jacket in his hand, the top three buttons of his shirt are undone. His hair is all unkempt and messy.

I make eye contact with him and smirk for a second before everyone else catches up.

"You okay Gray?" Jameson asks with concern, clearly not used to seeing him so dishevelled. 

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