Chapter 27

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Somewhere only we know by Keane

Oh, simple thing, where have you gone?

I wake up peacefully this morning. I smile in bed and open my eyes seeing about a million eyes staring at me. Nash Hawthorne with his arm around Libby comforting her, Xander Hawthorne sitting on a chair, Avery pacing, Grayson Hawthorne speaking with a doctor, Oren and Kennedy discussing and a doctor holding a clip board being interrogated by one eager Grayson.

"Morning" I nod. They all watch me sceptically. "How do you feel?" Avery asks walking towards me. "Little put on the spot but other than that great" I joke. "We were worried sick" Libby speaks up. "As much as I love a little attention this is not what I had in mind" I quip.

My eyes start scanning the room for one particular person, "Jameson left after you got in the ambulance, we don't know where he is" Xander says noticing my roaming eyes.

"Paris. I have an officer stopping by shortly to get a statement regarding what happened. You can tell them who did this and they can arrest him" Oren says. I nod.

I sit up on the bed forgetting the fact I was just brutally shot in the stomach. I wince at the pain when I move. Grayson steps forward and stops me, he helps me lean forward a little and props a pillow behind me so I am sitting up.

"You went into emergency surgery and got stitches. We recommend slowing things down for around a month. Normally when we undergo this surgery patients may struggle to stand up and walk around for the first week or so. Your about to be doped up with morphine so you may have some side affects that come along with it. That could include headaches, dizziness, confusion, tiredness and sickness like throwing up. Due to your injury you may have some stomach cramps, sort of like period cramps but a lot more painful" the doctor explains to me.


"It's not recommended to drive or cycle for a prolonged period of time. Smoking and drinking is almost totally out of question, it's definitely not recommended. But considering your age you shouldn't be anyway. Wash the wound two times a day and replace the bandage once it's clean which prevents infection."

In one ear and straight out the other.

Just smile and nod.

She seems to buy my smile and nod as she nods back and exits the room.

"Smile and nod you sneaky bitch" Avery mutters to me, remembering my habit of not listening then smiling and nodding which almost always works. I send a wink her way.

The nurse re-enters with a needle. She smiles and rolls up the sleeve of my hospital gown i never noticed i was wearing. She pricks my muscle and presses down. "It'll take about 5 - 10 minutes to really kick in, until then I'd recommend having some water. When was the last time you eat?" She asks. "Last night at dinner, maybe 7pm?" I remember.

"So around 19 hours ago" she asks. I check the clock, 4:02pm. "Yeah" I answer with a confident nod.

I look around at everyone watching me intensely. I take the glass of water next to me and take a sip. It starts to hit me. The tiredness. The dizziness. The bile rising in my throat. "I'm about throw up" I warn. Everyone looks around urgently and when Avery spots a cereal bowl she passes it to me just in time for the puke to spill out of my mouth and into the bowl. "Lovely" I smile falsely.

My head spins with dizziness as I pass the bowl back to Avery. My eyes flicker closed every few seconds. "I think we'll leave you to nap" Libby says, "Yeah" Avery agrees. They all begin to pile out of my room each saying goodbye and leaving.

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