Chapter 66

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Happy Birthday Paris. Uploading on a Tuesday as a special Birthday gift to my girl. I know a lot of people will like this one.

Are we still friends by Tyler, The Creator

Are we still friends? Can we be friends?

As I walk down the street I can't help but wonder where Grayson is. Did he even end up going to Harvard after all or did he go somewhere else. When I imagine where everyone is now, I see him travelling with Jameson instead. 

No matter what he ended up doing though, I'm certain I won't see him at a Harvard boy frat party. In reality I have no clue what we are doing here, we're not Harvard students. Regardless, I walk down the street talking to Maddie and Rachel as the boys walk ahead, telling us to hurry up at every chance they get.

"Why does the top school in the country have a frat group called 'Alpha Epsilon Pi' or just one at all for that matter?" I ask with a raised eyebrow. 

"They actually prefer to go by Ape." Maddie snickers. "Fucking nerds." I scoff. "Well of course they're nerds, it's Harvard not Massachusetts Community College." Rachel laughs. 

"We're not even students here, why are we going to their frat house?" I query. "Everyone's invited, you'd be surprised how many kids from our school show up. It's like a mutual thing, we go to their parties, they come to ours. We're neighbours." Maddie shrugs. 

"We're neighbours?" I snort. It's around a five minute walk to Harvard from our school but the way she worded it makes me laugh.

We arrive at the huge house that is already trashed, kids are smoking outside, throwing stuff around. As we walk in, I have to dodge so a beach ball doesn't come hurdling towards my head.

When we make it inside I see huge crowds and lots of people drinking. 

"Come on in ladies, kegs in the garden." A tall strong guy approaches us. He winks at Rachel and walks away. 

"Oh my god that guy was totally checking you out." Maddie squeals excitedly. Rachel gives an unbothered 'hm' then leads us out to the garden. 

When we reach the keg everyone takes a drink except me. I've made a pledge to myself I would stay sober and make sure we all got back okay. 

"Yo, dancer chick. If you're sober there's water and soda in the fridge." A guy calls out, he's wearing a Hawaiian shirt. 

I look to Maddie and she gives me a nudge telling me to go. I was hoping she would offer to come with me but she didn't. 

So I walk through the huge house of sweaty bodies until I reach a kitchen.

I squeeze passed a couple making out, grabbing each other inappropriately. Then passed a girl scream sobbing about a boy who turned her down. And then I reach the fridge. 

A guy is already searching through it so I wait. He is wearing a tank top that shows off his muscles, along with some Hawaiian shorts. He's bent over grabbing a beer from the bottom shelf. 

When he stands straight my heart stops, my vision blurs. That hair. 

He doesn't even need to turn around before I recognise him, despite not wearing a suit as usual his pale blonde hair sticks out immediately.

"Grayson?" My voice shakes, i don't know why my voice is shaky. He freezes. He recognised my voice. He slowly turns around. He looks different, it's only been three weeks. But he's already changed his style. He doesn't look like Grayson without a suit. 

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