Chapter 13

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I stand awkwardly in the bathroom as he searches for something, he opens a cabinet and removes two things. A gauze and rubbing alcohol. "Sit down" he orders, gesturing to the side of his bathtub, i take a seat as instructed and watch as he soaks the gauze with rubbing alcohol. He kneels down next to me. 

He takes a deep breathe before applying the gauze to the cut across my lip, a piercing sting runs through my lip and I spring back, his face dims into a sort of sympathetic one. "Sorry" he says, "Its fine" I move forward the tiniest bit until im back where he holds the gauze however he lowers it. "Hold my hand, it'll hurt less" he offers, i check his eyes to make sure its sincere and his eyes look actually sad. I wrap my hand in his and allow him to make contact with the gauze, it stings causing me to squeeze his hand slightly. His eyes remain sympathetic and even a little angry as he cleans it up. 

"It should be back to normal after three days" he informs. "Thank you" I smile, he nods and turns around to the sink proceeding to rinse the gauze. I stand up and exit the bathroom before Jameson shouts to me "I'll be out there in a minute, just wait out there". I don't bother to reply but follow his orders anyway. 

Its only now i notice how bland his room is: no posters, no pictures or plants, no unique bedsheets (just the same white ones I have in my room) its almost Identical to my room however I thought mine was only basic because I just got here but clearly I'm not the only one with an empty room. Avery and Lib both have photos of us three sisters, Avery has some of Max, Mom, Mom and us, places she wants to visit. They both have colourful lights, posters, jewellery and bed sheets. Mine is empty, the same way it was when it was given to me with the exception of one pink night light, a necklace placed loosely on my side table that Mom gave to me before her passing as well as a ripped out photo of Mom that I took a month before she died.

I continue looking around his room in search for anything to prove it isn't some guest room. My eyes finally find one thing, a white box with a red pattern that i recognise to be a card box sits next to a golden watch that looks like its worth more than me. My eyes search around more and I finally come across a framed photo of a beautiful girl with straight auburn hair that appears to be thin and fluffy. She has a beautiful green dress on and a smile plastered across her face. Her eyes twinkle in the sun as she makes a face suggesting she doesn't want to have this photo taken. The picture frame is placed next to his bed on his side table. I feel his presence behind me and i see him follow my gaze, when he notices my eyes lingering on it, he walks quickly towards it and picks it up, he opens a drawer and places the frame inside. The drawer is then violently closed and I kind of open my eyes slightly wider.

"Is that your girlfriend?" I ask kindly, he thinks for a moment and has a sort of uncomfortable yet angry but mostly sad face. "Yeah" he dismisses almost as if he's unsure. "She's very pretty" I speak sincerely. His eyes close as if denying access to tears falling, he nods and sighs. "She is" he speaks more to himself. Did they break up? I wonder. I decide to drop it and I walk out the door, he follows closely behind and we as he shuts his door I wait beside him. Oren walks passed us right as we exit the room "We weren't..." Jameson starts slowly justifying but Oren just winks and continues walking "no we weren't-" he gives up and sighs, "why did he wink?" I whisper quietly to Jameson as we walk downstairs who tries to explain "He thought we were... nothing" he dismisses.

(a/n: sorry its such a short chapter, more of a filler chapter. Also sorry i havent posted a chapter in a while. Im planning on starting to add names to each chapter because i feel it isnt done enough anymore.)

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