Chapter 88

407 14 32

Dorethea by Taylor Swift

You got shiny friends since you left town, a tiny screens the only place I see you now.

After fondue, Eve was soaked with chocolate because of a Max vs Xander fondue fork fencing match. Grayson left a while ago. Jameson did too. After the incident, Eve is offered the use of anything from Avery's closet. The two left. 

Max, Xander and I stayed back and spoke for a little. Xander invited me up to his room to find the blueprints to some invention he was planning to build Max in secret. We both lead an oblivious Max to her own bedroom and head to his room.

I walk into Xander's room, as he approaches the bookshelf I look around and take in the setting. His bedroom seems really cosy and warm, the kind of place anyone would be welcomed. A small teddy bear sits between his two large pillows. 

He notices my eye contact with the bear and runs towards it. He grabs it and pulls it behind his back, "That's not mine." He says sternly, trying to make his voice sound deeper so I don't think any less of him. 

"That is adorable." I smirk. "I'm not adorable. I'm a manly man, I would never sleep with a teddy bear cleverly named Mr Teddy." He coughs. 

I grin at my friends embarrassment and slight blush washing over his dark features. He gets a couple boxes out and opens them up after hiding Mr Teddy. In the boxes are piles and piles of paperwork and files. 

"I can't tell if I'm amazed or terrified at the amount of random things compiled in your bedroom" I speak hesitantly. "You're lucky I cleaned up before you came or else you would've seen a lot of other things." He shakes his head in fear.

We begins swarming through files of paper, attempting to find the ones we need. I take one box, he takes the other. I'm around halfway through when he yells out "Got it!" And messily throws all the other files back in carelessly. I scoff and get to the floor as I start placing the files of my box back in carefully. He takes a seat on his bed, looking down at me. 

"Your haircut is pretty badass." Xander comments randomly. "Oh yeah?" I smirk and flip my hair back off my shoulder dramatically. "All of you is badass now. You run off to college, lose your virginity and come back a new women." He sighs. 

"I'm surprised you didn't forget about me." He laughs, not making eye contact as he looks down at the blueprints, flipping through the paper he found to detect the page he's looking for. 

I laugh until I notice his face. He's frowning a little. The reason he's unwilling to look up is not because he's so focused but because he knows he wouldn't be able to hide the look on his face if he looked at me. 

"Hey, what's wrong." I frown, looking up at him. He shakes his head uncharacteristically quiet.

"Xan." I frown sadly. He places the paper down on his bed and flops down to the floor beside me. "I missed you." He admits slowly.

"Well I missed you too Xander." I smile sympathetically. His frown remains. "I really missed you Pear." Xander's voice comes out sadly. 

"When you were away all I could think about was that you would make these new friends and forget about me." He admits remorsefully, as if feeling guilty for feeling this way.

"Xander." I frown sadly. "I could never replace you. Sure I made new friends, but none of them that even compared to you, all I could think about every minute was you." I comfort.

"You're alway gonna be my best friend." I say fondly, ruffling his mop of hair. 

He comes up behind me and wraps his long and strong arms around my frame, lifting me off the ground and throwing me harshly onto my bed causing me to let out a squeal. 

He trust falls onto the soft bed beside me. I roll onto my side to look at him. 

His fluffy hair is all over the place as usual, his mixed skin tone looking a little redder on the cheeks and nose than usual due to his momentary sadness. A few unrecognisable freckles hidden by both his dark skin and the faintness of them. His freckles are a little more noticeable than Grayson's.

"You know I just realised the other day that Gray has freckles?" I ask with a small smile. He tilts his head for me to keep going. "Yeah really faint little ones that go on his cheeks and nose. You only notice them when you're really close and paying attention. There's some on his nose as well — it's really cute." I ramble excitedly.

Xander bites his cheek to hold in a grin. "What?" I ask him. "Okay first of all you can only see those freckles when you're really close. Second, I get you're in a 'relationship' with my brother but Paris Riley Grambs Rooney Laughlin Hawthorne, if I didn't know any better I'd guess you were in love with my brother." Xander teases with a smirk.

"Love? Are you kidding? Of course not." I scoff with disgust.

"I thought we were best friends." He frowns sadly. "We are! Okay. And I am most certainly not in love with your brother. Sure the whole room lights up when he walks in. Sure his gorgeous silver eyes send immediate chills to my spine. And yeah, sure he literally has the body of a Greek god. But love? I mean come on." I scoff before my amused smile drops.

"Oh for fucks sake, I'm in love with your brother." I sigh unhappily. 

Xander lets out a loud scream of joy. "I'm so glad you finally admitted it! But i am so annoyed I owe Max a hundred bucks." He groans. "You had a bet on us?" I yell.

"I was team Jamis, Max was team Graris." He shrugs. 

I scoff a laugh and attack him with a pillow. "You can love him all you want. Okay, but if I walk in on you sucking my brother's dick one more time I'll kill myself." He warns with a pointed finger.

"Oh my god! It was totally your fault for walking in." I laugh out. 

"Now tell me, Xan. What's up with you and Max?" I ask him excitedly. He sighs with a wide smile.

"I'm afraid you are no longer my favourite girl. I've fallen madly in love, Paris." He confesses. 

I squeal and sit there as he tells me everything. He eventually shows me the blueprints, to which I nod along despite not understanding anything it says. 

"I'm sure she'll love it. I'm sure she loves you." I smile happily.

(Okay guys if you haven't seen my latest post about including you guys in some chapters then check that out - - there's the link. 

I just wanted to let you all know I'm publishing two parts tonight because this one was really short. And later at some point this weekend I'll probably end up publishing the Jameson Christmas special, I've decided I'm doing two Christmas oneshots on this book so that Graris girls and Jamis girls are all happy)

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