Chapter 91

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Say Don't Go by Taylor Swift

I said I love you, you say nothing back. Why'd you have to lead me on? Why'd you have to twist the knife? Walk away and leave me bleeding.

"I love you." I tell him. I've been waiting to tell him for some time now, waiting for a perfect moment. One where he'll kiss me and tell me he loves me too. 

The swelling in my heart absorbs every negative moment in my life and all that matters is him. Everything in my life is only a tiny fraction now that Grayson takes up around 99.99% of my time and thoughts. 

I feel dizzy just looking at his face, being this close and knowing that now he knows exactly how I feel. And I know he feels the same way. I know it.

My eyes bounce between his eyes waiting for him to say it back. He'll smile and tell me he loves me more than I could ever imagine.. he'll throw me into his arms and kiss me until all the air in the world is gone.

Maybe someday we'll be getting married and look back to this point, mentioning it in our vows. I'll have a memory book for our children and we'll tell them the stories. They'll point to the pictures and Grayson will tell our kids about the time their Mom told their Dad she loved him. He'll laugh in reminisce about how oblivious we had been before. How much we cared for each other and the feelings that consumed us whenever we were even in the same room.

I'll tell my Grandkids about the butterflies in my stomach when he looked at me. About the way he looks in those suits. About how we met. About the first time we kissed. About when he proposed. About when I told him I was pregnant for the first time. About how we celebrated every holiday together every year. But most importantly, about this moment, the moment I confessed my love for him in a flash of unconscious but passionate intimacy.

"Oh." He says quietly, avoiding eye contact. It's only when his smile drops and morphs into his usual stern pressed lip look that I process what he said.

He didn't say it back. He didn't even say it back.

"What?" I murmur with a faded smile, still hopeful he'll say he's just joking and say it back. Say it Gray.

I pray for a silent moment he's just so surprised that he's stunned to silence, he'll say it. I know he'll say it back. 

"I need to go." He grabs his shirt from the floor. He makes a move to start putting it back on but freezes when he sees my saddened features. Oh.

"Are we breaking up?" My voice breaks. I know this may seem dramatic but in the moment all I can think of is the way he said 'oh' instead of literally anything else, i would've been happy with an 'ok' or even a 'thank you'. The disgust in his eyes when I had even suggested love. He looks me in the eyes then jolts his stare away. 

"I think that would be the responsible thing to do." He says flatly, looking beyond me. He can't even look me in the eyes when he tells me he doesn't love me. He can't spare the woman who loves him so much even a glare. He knows what he said was fucked up. He knows he's losing me.

I beg him to fucking say something. Anything. But just as soon as he had me he's already lost me.

Tears line my eyes and he fights with himself to walk away. But he does.

He walks out. Not only on me but on everything we've built. It's over. Everything is over. Grayson and I are a thing of the past, something that'll pass with the winter. It'll be a memory of nothing more than a stupid momentary romance. We're actually over.

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