Chapter 95

513 15 140

Silver Springs by Fleetwood Mac

I know I could have loved you but you would not let me.

I'm in Jameson's bed, watching his eyes closely as his focus on my neck in thought. It's a quiet moment, one that is sacred and precious. I indulge in it for as long as I can. 

His hand caresses my neck over the hickeys with only his fingertips, he's gentle and affectionate. The touch slides down my collarbone then across my breasts and reaches my hips. His big t-shirt covers most of my body but when his hand reaches my hips he slides it under the shirt until it's holding my bare hip. Chills fall down my neck at the feeling of his lingering sensation.

He pulls me closer to him and I let him without hesitation. My leg tangles between his. His other arm wraps around me. My hands rest in his messy hair. My head relaxes into the crook of his neck. 

I kiss his neck warmly then go back to nuzzling closely. "Paris?" He whispers into my hair, holding me tighter than i've ever been held. Like I'm trying to run away. 

"Yeah." I speak into his neck, noticing the chills that appear on his body when I speak. 

"Everything about you is perfect." He tells me. I laugh a little at this, "Nothing about me is perfect Jamie." I say in a scoff.

He freezes and separates my face from his neck, scanning my whole face to tell if i'm joking or not. "Are you kidding Paris?" He says fondly but not quite smiling because of how sincere and open he is being. 

"I've done things Jamie. I've hurt people, I'm so stupid sometimes, plus i'm not even close to looking anything close to 'perfect'. But you Jamie.. you are the definition of perfection. You look like a greek god, you're so sweet and kind, you're a genius.. and you're strong." I hesitate, feeling a little bummed out by just how perfect he is.

His thumb brushes across my whole cheek. He looks disappointed and sad despite all the nice things I said about him.

"Paris.. You are the most gorgeous girl i've ever seen. And I know you like to insist that you're this stupid because you think reducing yourself to being stupid makes it easier when you make mistakes but you are so smart. You're the nicest most generous person I have ever encountered which is worth so much more than anything. And don't call me strong as if you aren't stronger than all of us here combined. You deal with so much more shit than any of us could ever imagine and you've survived the worst of it." He tells me passionately, like a fire is burning in his heart.

I feel a tear I didn't know was coming slip out my eye and quickly reach up to wipe it away as if he's not so close to me that he watched it roll down my cheek.

"You're my perfect Eiffel Tower." Jameson teases a little with a proud smirk.

The way he said i'm his makes my heart flutter. He stands up, lifting me with him and places me down onto his desk, stepping between my legs and kissing me. "C'mon Paris. We've got a time crunch." He winks as he starts to get dressed. Is it bad I completely forgot about Toby? My own Father..

I watch him getting dressed intently, noticing the way he searches through his closet for a shirt, not that he's picky just that he can't seem to find one.

He grabs the first one he finds and throws it over his head, followed by some pants. 

He gets me some old jeans out that he tells me he still has from high school pre-puberty. It's hard to imagine a 13 year old Jameson fitting into these jeans, they seem to fit me perfectly, a little tight around the ass but it works.

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