Chapter 20

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I woke up twice that night. Nightmares of the previous events replaying. 

It should have been me. 

"Paris what the fuck were you thinking?" Avery asks angrily from the edge of my bed.

"What time is it?" I ask. "3:35am" Avery answers. "Great" I reply. "You told Grayson" she clarifies. I stand up, realising she is going to make this a bigger deal than it has to be. 

"Yeah? What did you want me to say as i walked passed him covered in blood? 'Don't worry Grayson, just out murdering innocents or should i have said it was just ketchup? Think he would've believed me?" I ask. 

"For all we know it could've been him." She yells. "What?" I ask in almost a whisper. "You seriously think he would do anything to hurt you? Or Jameson? You know the first thing he asked when i told him was if you were ok, then he asked if i was because nobody else seems to be asking if I'm ok. I thought you were dead Avery! It wasn't Grayson but you know what, what if it was me? What if I shot at you?" I yell back.

"I don't think you understand how crazy you sound right now" Avery yells back. "It obviously wasn't me and it wasn't Grayson either so unless you actually care enough to ask me if I'm okay after watching my sister almost bleed out in the middle of the woods after being shot at by someone trying to kill her then please, get the fuck out of my room!" I yell, finally snapping. 

She doesn't move. She watches me blankly, shocked by the outburst i just had. I walk passed her towards the door and storm out like a child. I don't know where I'm going but I need to clear my head. 

I walk outside and make my way towards the pool. My hands are on my hips as i breathe in the cool night air. I hear a bang and jump. I quickly turn expecting the worst but find Grayson Hawthorne standing in the doorway to the house that he just slammed and regretted the loud noise of. 

I turn back to look down at the water like before. I feel his breath on my neck a moment later. He doesn't say anything else yet. I turn back to face him again and drop my hands down from my waist. 

I can't stop the tears that fall from my eyes being flooded with guilt and pain from the passed 5 hours. Just over three hours ago i got back. I start sobbing uncontrollably and not the cute sob, full on ugly crying. Grayson's face softens at my state and he looks down sympathetically at me. 

This isn't just the fear i had 5 hours ago. This is everything I've felt and concealed since Mom died.

I want to go home.

I want to go back to when Avery and I were little kids playing the quiet game or the secret game with Mom.

I want to go back to when Danny and Jay were the two people i trusted most.

I want all this pain to end.

I want my Mom back.

Grayson watches me for a moment before wrapping his arms firmly around my back. I sob into his chest. A strong smell of cologne fills my lungs and feels so right there. 

Grayson holds me like I'm the most delicate thing ever and if he lets go I will break. Like the glass ballerina. 

[I know it's a very short chapter but it's just one to develop her relationship with Grayson, I'll try to post another part because it's so short. I wasn't sure if i should've made it longer by adding it to the next chapter but then it would be too long. Anyway make sure to vote and have a nice day. It makes my day to read all the comments so don't be a silent reader]

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