Chapter 46

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Family Line by Conan Gray

I watch the Father's with their little girls and wonder what I did to deserve this? How could you hurt a little kid? I can't forget, I can't forgive you, cause now I'm scared that everyone i love will leave me

I'm on the corner of the sofa, between Xander's legs as he comfortingly holds me close to him. I'm a little shaken up after my life being threatened but once it happens this many times it sort of loses the affect. That's what I keep telling myself anyway.

Alisa and Oren and all the guards are discussing, Libby and Nash are whispering, and everyone else are gathered around the sofa. 

"So does that mean it is a stalker?" Avery asks worriedly. I stare blankly onwards in my own thoughts. "It could just be someone who thought it would be funny to tease Paris even after everything she's been through." Max suggests sadly. "It could always be Skye or Ricky." Jameson puts on the table. 

"Dad wouldn't do something like this." I assure. Avery sighs and kneels down next to Xander and I on the sofa. She places her hand on my shoulder.

"You need to stop defending him Pear, he'll only let you down more. I know it's hard for you because you want to believe he loves you but he never has. He's a sick man who had no desire to be a part of our lives until we got money." She says calmly.

I break away from the comfortable hold of Xander and stand, "He's not as terrible as you like to think. He wants to change." I tell her.

I've always hoped since I was young that he would come back and be the Father I always needed, he never did. But I've held onto that hope every day and I genuinely believe he wants to be a part of our lives. 

"You're starting to sound like Libby. Even she's came around to the fact he's a terrible person." Avery stands now too, raising her voice slightly. 

"He reached out to me, Avery. Not you. If he wanted your money he would've gone to you. But he came to me because he wanted his family back." I argue.

"No, Paris. He went to you because you are the only one who is stupid enough to fall for his pleas for money. And you did. You gave him the money you worked hard to make and he spent it all on drugs. So don't defend him. To want a family back you had to have one in the first place." Avery spits. 

I bite back my lip to hold the tears that are forming but when I feel one fall I know there is no holding back the river I'm about to cry. 

I look down immediately and quickly walk towards the staircase, gently brushing passed Grayson on the way. I make it to the stairs and hurry up them as fast as I can without tripping. 

I go into the bathroom connected to the girls room. Making sure to lock the door I sit on the floor with my head in my hands.


Avery stands now too, "You're starting to sound like Libby. Even she's came around to the fact he's a terrible person." 

"He reached out to me, Avery. Not you. If he wanted your money he would've gone to you. But he came to me because he wanted his family back." Paris argues.

I know how much that hurt Paris. Her Father taking money from her, for her to still defend him brings me pain to think about.

"No, Paris. He went to you because you are the only one who is stupid enough to fall for his pleas for money. And you did. You gave him the money you worked hard to make and he spent it all on drugs. So don't defend him. To want a family back you had to have one in the first place." Avery yells at her.

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