Chapter 23

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I Was Made For Lovin' You by KISS

I was made for lovin' you baby, you were made for lovin' me.

Grayson is awfully quiet on the short drive to the house. His hand stayed on my knee the whole drive. I didn't complain. I notice paparazzi blocking the gates to the house. Kennedy picks up his walkie-talkie thing and speaks into it, "we've got a 10 - 16 at the gates" he says. 

I turn to Grayson and give him a questioning look "Unwanted Paparazzi breach" he informs quietly. I look out the window at all the flashing lights. A voice which i determine to be Oren's replies through the walkie-talkie, "10 - 4" 

I turn back to Grayson "Message received" he enlightens. "Should I station the vehicle and escort the two on foot" Kennedy asks. "If you feel there is no way to drive passed the crowds then yes." Oren replies. "Copy that" Kennedy says. 

Kennedy drives away from the crowd and parks the car across the road in a parking spot reserved by Tobias Hawthorne. 

Grayson opens the door and walks around to my door. He opens mine for me and escorts me out. Kennedy stands to the side of us as the flashes already begin following us. 

I glance at Grayson and he nods for comfort. He wraps an arm around me in attempt to shield me from the paparazzi flashes. "Paris, Grayson, how do you respond to the rumours of Avery's car being ran off the road earlier today?" One asks. 

"As far as I know that did not happen" Grayson replies as we walk passed the crowds. They chase us from where we parked the car all the way to the gates. 

"Paris, How about the rumours you cheated on your boyfriend with Jameson?" Another asks. "Bullshit" I reply before I can stop myself. I feel a squeeze on my shoulder from Grayson hinting i should not have said that. 

"Is there something going on between the two of you?" Another asks. Grayson smiles and looks down at me, "I think that's enough questions" he grins then tries to conceal it. 

We ignore all other questions and finally make it inside with the help of Kennedy. When we get inside his grin drops and he takes his arm off my shoulder. "Bullshit?" He quotes shaking his head. 

"What did you want me to say?" I urge. "Saying nothing would've been just fine" he says sarcastically. 

"So it worked?" Avery's familiar voice sounds. "Yeah it worked" Grayson confirms. Kennedy stays close by me and Oren close to Avery. "Kennedy and I think it would be a safe choice for you both to take the alibi a step further and make it publicly known you are together." Oren speaks up. Avery snorts. 

"How could fake dating possibly be a 'safe choice'?" I ask with a grin. "It takes peoples minds off both of your passed relationships and less people would put you in danger if they thought Grayson was your boyfriend" he explains. Emily and Danny. "Then why not get me a tall strong hot guy and tell people he's my boyfriend. People would stay away and would soon forget about Danny. Then do the same for Grayson with some girl." i argue. Oren shrugs "kills two birds with one stone" he grins. "Seriously? The head of security is using the excuse that it kills two birds with one stone? Really?" I ask. Oren grins and shrugs guiltily. 

"Well then lover boy. We have a lot of work to do" I smile bitterly, he returns this with a grimace. 

We sit down in the lounge discussing the basics, we must have been talking for a couple hours when I stop to quiz him on everything I've told him so far. 

"So when did we start dating?" I ask.

"5 days ago. We had been getting closer. I asked if you wanted to go for a swim and when we were in the pool you kissed me. After that I asked you out. You said yes and we've been together since." He repeats, I nod.

"Ok your turn. Who was the first person we told?" He asks, "Xander. But we still need to actually tell him everything" I say, he nods. "How old was my Mother when she died?" I ask with a frown. "She was 34" He answers, I nod looking down to my hands for a moment. "What is the name of my Father?" He asks. "Trick question. You don't know" I answer a little too confidently considering the answer. 

"How old was i when i lost my first tooth?" I ask.

"5" he answers.

"What was the first sport i tried playing and how old was i?" He asks.

"Lacrosse, 14" i answer.

"What was the name of my first pet fish?" i ask.

"Enchilada" he answers trying to conceal the grin that appears on his face.

"What colour are my eyes?" he asks quickly closing his eyes.

"Silver" I answer proudly. He opens his eyes again.

"Is my belly button an inney or an outtie?" I ask.

"Ok when in gods name could i possibly need that information?" He grins. This is the closest I've seen to him smiling genuinely, not a smile for the paparazzi.

"When will we need any of this stuff? If you were held at gun point and they ask: 'Is Paris Grambs an inney or an outtie?' In that situation you would need to know" i say with a grin.

"Inney" he says.

"How did you know that? We didn't even mention that" i sigh in defeat. 

"You answered the door to me shirtless today I obviously noticed" he replies.

"So when you saw me at the door shirtless your first thought was 'Woah, I wonder what her belly button looks like'?" I ask with a laugh. 

"No It was pretty hard not to take in every detail" he says with a smirk which quickly drops when he realises how creepy that sounded. 

"Too late. It's already confirmed. Grayson Davenport Hawthorne has a belly button fetish" I giggle. 

"That may be true but at least I didn't name my fish Enchilada and kill him by accidentally feeding him an enchilada!" He smirks again at me.

"I was eight" i justify through giggles. 

Our eyes meet and all laughing ceases. Time stops as i gaze into his beautiful silver eyes. He leans down towards my face. I lean into him. Our lips are so close when a voice makes us both quickly separate, "This isn't the bathroom" Xander laughs nervously turning the opposite way and trying to leave as quickly as possible "as you were" he yells back.

"I think we have all the information we need. If anyone asks me anything about you I will be able to answer." He turns back to his face of stone standing up. "Yeah i think I've learnt all i need to know about you" i smile, also standing. 

"Well i should probably go explain to Xander that we are 'dating' now." Grayson says. "Goodnight loverboy" I grin. "Goodnight Honeybun" he replies. We both smirk jokingly at our cheesy joking nicknames. 

(A/n. This one is sort of a filler but i swear the next few chapters is where every happens. Merry Christmas Eve Eve.)

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