Chapter 50

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Black out days by Phantogram

Black out days, I don't recognise you anymore.

3 years ago.

Grayson Hawthorne. 

I remove the cigarette from my mouth and blow the air down so it avoids Tiger's face. "So are we doing this or not?" I ask cockily. 

"Christ, Baby Face, give us a minute. The adults are talking." Yoda tells me. I earned that nickname because of my youth, being fifteen when joining the gang I had very soft features and looked innocent enough. Only 6 months later the nickname is yet to grow on my now 16 year old self.

"I'm not a kid. Give me the shit." I order. T-Rex rolls his eyes and hands me the suitcase filled with Illicit drugs. I march down the alleyway we are supposed to meet down and wait. When I arrive at the end of the dark pathway I am met with a tall silhouette.

"You got it?" He asks. "No, this is just a suitcase for all the makeup I keep on hand. Of course it is." I scoff. 

"Guys. We've got him." He yells down the alley and suddenly I see silhouettes lining the alley and running towards us, flashing blue and red lights illuminate the silhouettes and reveal around 5 cops charging for me. 

"Shit." Is all I say before being brutally tackled to the ground. My face is grazed painfully across the rough ground as they flip me onto my stomach and put handcuffs on my wrists. I feel some blood falling down my cheek slowly at the brutality of their attack. 

One of the guys kneels on my back, feeling as if his force is constricting my breathing. I try to wriggle out but I stop dead in my place when the icy cold muzzle of a gun presses itself onto the back of my head.

I blink rapidly so the instinctive tears threatening my eyes disappear. I've never been caught before, not doing something this bad anyway. 

Sure I've been caught graffitiing or smoking in bathrooms but nothing I haven't been able to run from until now. 

The police car backs into the alleyway until it is right by me. I'm pulled to my feet by two officers and thrown in the back of a cop car. I see some guys wearing gloves and picking up the suitcase. 

"It's not mine, the guy you're working with framed me." I try to lie but I'm given silence in return. "Tell it to the court big boy." One cop laughs mockingly.

Fuck. My Mother will find out. And Xander. How do I explain to my 14 year old brother I've been arrested? There goes the old man's inheritance.

I'm driven in silence back to the police station. I am rewarded the pleasure of one phone call just like the movies.

I choose to use my call for the old man. Each ring makes my heart race faster. If he doesn't answer I am fucked. 

After 7 rings, he picks up. "Grandad?" I whisper slightly, not meaning to sound so desperate. "Grayson?" He asks sceptically. 

"I'm in trouble. I did something bad." I tell him. "What have you done?" He spits, clearly lowering his voice. I'm guessing they're eating breakfast by this now early time. "I'm at the station." I tell him. The line goes out. He hung up.

I am pulled away from the phone and I am thrown into a small room and freed of my handcuffs. 

I wait sitting on the small table, my leg bouncing agitatedly. 

Two police officers enter, one holding a clip board, the other wearing gloves. "Name?" The one with the clipboard asks. "Robert Wilson." I say the first name that comes to mind. 

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