Chapter 77

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Everything has Changed by Taylor Swift. 

All I knew this morning when I woke, is I know something now- know something now I didn't before and all I've seen since eighteen hours ago is gray eyes and freckles and your smile.

I spent my last day before fall break rehearsing. I binged the same dance over and over again. It was practically perfect. 

Grayson is sitting on my bed, his case already packed. He waits patiently for me as I pack my case, procrastinating as I do so. 

"If I practice twice a day during fall break I'll hopefully stay refreshed on my solo." I talk to myself as I fold shirt and place it inside my case. "You won't be practicing twice a day Paris." Grayson speaks up. 

"If I don't then I won't be able to keep up and I'll mess it all up." I stress. 

"Rachel!" Grayson hollers, to which my friend scurries through. 

"How often are you practicing your solo over the break?" He asks my friend. Rachel bursts out laughing at him, "I'm not practicing. None of us are. In fact, didn't they tell us not to practice?" 

I groan and keep packing, Grayson gives Rachel a look then a moment later she leaves us alone. 

"Listen P, you don't need to get yourself all stressed about this. It's months away and you're literally the best dancer in the whole school. If you showed up and forgot the entire dance, left your costume at home and had to dance around in your underwear you would still out dance everyone. Now your stress is making me stressed and if we're both stressed we'll be going to that flight like two headless chickens." 

I let him take the shirt out my hands gently and place it down on the bed. Replacing the shirts place in my hands with his own two warm hands. Holding my hands with a squeeze me looks me in my eyes firmly then breathes deeply. I follow his breathing for a couple moments until i feel calm again. 

"Okay we need to be at the airport in forty minutes and it's a fifteen minute drive which means we have twenty-five minutes to finish packing." Grayson calculates quickly.

"Nerd." I scoff. He tilts his head at me challengingly. I smirk and when he lifts me up in the air I become a mess of giggles and squeals as he drops me down on the bed. 

He looks down at me with a smirk. He reaches a hand out to help me up and when I'm up I fall into his arms in a warm embrace.

I take a deep breath of his scent in before stepping back, "We have a whole suitcase to pack and no time." I say.

He starts helping me pack at a rapid speed. I pass him the clothes I'm taking and he folds it for me and places it inside the suitcase. Originally it was the other way around until he realised I could not pack for shit. 

With slight embarrassment I pass him my underwear, he doesn't make a big deal out of it and instead just folds it up and places it inside without a word which I mentally thank him for.

I pass him one last set of pj's, he takes the bright pink unicorn print pj's from me and smirks a little. "Cute pj's." He comments. 

"They are really comfy." I justify.

He carries my case out to the car for me then gets in the drivers seat whilst I say bye to all my friends. 

I wait beside Grayson in the airport gates. 

Our knees brush each others slightly, fingers grazing and teasing the others hand. The hairs on my neck stand up at his brief touch. 

The flight departs at 7:30pm, it's currently 7 which means any second now we could be called.

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