Chapter 51

625 15 13

Complicated by Avril Lavigne

Why'd you have to go and make things so complicated? I see the way you're acting like you're somebody else getting me frustrated.

I wake up at around 8.30am to a severely unpleasant nightmare. 

In this dream I am back at the park, standing over the beaten boys body, except this time I don't run. I get caught by the police, I'm placed in jail for assault. My family and friends no longer visit me or even speak of me. I am forgotten. And worst of all, the person who was beaten is now seeking physiology for the trauma. 

I wake up in floods of tears and sweat. I start sobbing into my hands, trying to keep quiet and avoid waking Grayson but he wakes up almost seconds later and sits up too. 

He pulls me close to him and holds me, telling me everything is okay, gently stroking my hair.

Later that morning we go on as if nothing happened. Nobody questions anything because as far as they know there is nothing to question. 

That night I received a text from Tiger.

Tiger: Hey, wanted to make sure you were okay, I know that was probably quite scary but I swear we don't do that often, that guy did something pretty bad and he knew what he was risking when he did that, he knew what we would do but did it anyway out of spite. Meet me tonight, i have something fun planned that doesn't include hurting people, just us girls no boys invited.

I decide to trust her and got dressed into a two piece dress and was ready to leave. It's around 1am as I slide into Tiger's worn down car. "Thanks for showing up, how you doing?" She asks.

"Last night I was a mess but I guess what you said about how bad of a guy he is made me feel a little better." I explain. "Good, he did the exact same thing to an allying gang member except he had to pay hitmen to do it for him cause he's weak." She adds.

"So what are we doing?" I ask excitedly as she begins driving. "Well first we're getting drunk, then I have a surprise." She smirks. 

And so we go to a club. I drink until I feel like I'll throw up, then I drink some more. I lie on a pool table as these men in their thirties take it in turns to do shots from me.

I take a slice of lime in my mouth, a line of salt bellow where my breasts lie and my bellybutton filled as high as possible with various drinks. The men bite the lime in my mouth, lick all the salt and then suck out the drink. 

Then a couple decide to switch things around and fill my mouth with the drink so they had to kiss me to drink it.

Once it reaches around 1am I get a little unamused with men slipping alcohol out of my crevices. So I locate Tiger who happily drags me to the surprise. 

 I walk hesitantly behind Tiger into the glowing Tattoo store. It's around half 1 in the morning. "So what are we doing here?" I ask as we wait by the front desk, Tiger rings the bell on the table obnoxiously until someone comes out of the room.

"What can I do this time Tiger?" The man covered in tattoos asks. "Here for a couple tattoos." She informs him. He nods in gesture for us to follow him into the dimly lit room, we do. I stand by the door whilst Tiger gets a tattoo of a really terribly drawn penis - and by penis I mean two circles and a long oval - on her ankle.

"You're next Cash." She smirks. "Me?" I laugh, "No the other Cash. Yes you." She jokes. I sit on the leather chair. "What you getting?" The man asks.

Tiger hands him a drawing and once he has looked at it well enough he nods. Tiger refuses to let me see it, "Do you trust me?" She asks, I nod. "As long as it's not a poorly drawn penis I do." 

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