Chapter 22

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All For Us by Labrinth 

Guilty or innocent, my love is infinite.

That day Avery and Grayson went to the foundation together, I didn't know until Libby told me at night because I had been sleeping all day. Alisa and Oren took Thea and Avery out dress shopping the next day. I was invited but I declined because I was still mad at Avery. 

They must've left about two hours ago when I hear a knock on my door. Libby. I open the door wearing jeans and a bra. No T-shirt. "I'm coming!" I exclaim after her many attempts to waken me. I open the door and see Grayson Hawthorne.

He doesn't seem to bat an eye at my missing shirt. I know somethings wrong by the look on his face. He never comes to my door. He doesn't need to say anything for me to grab a cropped hoodie and throw it on before exiting my room and following him. 

"What happened" I ask as I exit my room. "The girls were almost driven off the road" he explains. He starts walking and i follow closely behind. "Their fine" he adds noticing the worry on my face, I nod.

He keeps walking as he informs me everything I missed. "Oren and Alisa used Avery as bait. They knew the attacker would strike again so they planned everything. They made sure the girls would be safe but they found the attacker." He fills me in.

I stop walking down the stairs. "Who?" I ask. He now stops walking as well and turns to face me. "Drake" 

My eyes widen. "Did they catch him?" I ask. "Yes" he confirms. I sigh relieved. So its over? I let myself smile the smallest most subtle smile possible. "But Paris." Grayson sighs before i get too glad it's over. "Someone had to let him in. Someone living on these grounds." Someone living in this estate helped. "The police are talking to Libby" my heart plummets. "Why?" I warn. "Her and Drake have history.. they think it was her who let him in" Grayson climbs up a step towards me. 

"This just keeps getting better and better" I sigh. I stay frozen a moment longer before continuing down the stairs "Come on then" I say. He keeps moving as well until we reach the foyer.

Nash makes his way down towards the door and pulls it open revealing Oren, Alisa and Avery. "You want to tell me why I'm only now getting word the police hauled Libby out of here." He says angrily.

"If she's not under arrest she had no obligation to go with them" Alisa says calmly. "She didn't know that! If you wanted to protect her you could have" he says. 

"I'm not in the business of protecting every sad story that comes along" she replies. I clench my jaw. The police have Libby because they think she tried to help her abusive ex boyfriend kill her sister. Now I'm not really the smart one but it doesn't take a genius to realise that is ridiculous. 

"She's not a sad story, she's my sister" Avery grits. There is a knock on the door. All heads turn to the door. Alisa opens the door as she is closest. "Is Paris Riley Grambs home?" An older male asks. 

All heads turn to me. I look at who is there and notice it's three police officers. Alisa steps aside and let's them in. They notice me and approach me. "Are you Paris?" One asks. I nod nervously. 

"We would like to bring you back to the station for questioning regarding the incident which occurred last night." He says. My pulse quickens. 

I glance at Grayson who's jaw is clenched. He shakes his head trying to get me to speak up and say I'm not going with them. "She doesn't have to go anywhere" Gray speaks up. "Although that's true we can get a warrant and come back. We just want to ask some questions then bring you back. If you're innocent you have nothing to worry about." The officer calmly explains. 

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