Chapter 73

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Last Night by The Vamps

Wake up in the morning with the sunlight in my eyes, no my head don't feel so bright. What the hell happened last night?

Grayson had gone back to his dorm that night, leaving me alone with nothing but my own thoughts. 

So much to think about. I found out I could have had a perfect family. I heard from Toby for the first time since he left. I just lost my virginity... To Grayson!

My thoughts consume all possible space in my brain as I change the sheets of my bed. 

Right when I think I can finally flop down on my bed again the doorbell rings yet again and I have to head downstairs. This time when I open the door I'm met with the face of a tall bearded man in a suit.

My fight or flight kicks in and I grab the nearest thing to me which happens to be a large glass vase. The guy looks a little startled. 

"Delivery for Paris Grambs?" He asks sheepishly, revealing a white box.

"Oh. Thank you." I smile, placing the vase down and taking the box from his hands. I lock all the doors and windows and head to the kitchen with the box.

I cut the box open and grin. A beautiful pink cake with a letter beside it and something written on the top.

Happy 17th Birthday Pear!

I remove and read the note. 

Happy Birthday Paris. Home made red velvet with vanilla buttercream, your favourite. If the cake is dry let me know, the couriers promised it wouldn't be damaged on the journey but I was sceptical. Hope you're having the best day. We all miss you so much. - Love Libby

And a couple hearts drawn. I smile and take a photo for her. I send her a quick thank you text then get a candle out.

I place the candle on top and light it. My eyes close in thought for a moment. And then I silently make my wish whilst blowing the candle out. I never know what to wish for, I used to wish for my Mom to get money, then on my last birthday I wished for Mom to get better. Now I have money thanks to Avery and my Mom's dead so what do I wish for? World peace? That seems an appropriate wish. But fuck world peace, it's my birthday let me be selfish for just a day. I wish for some fucking clarity in my love life.

I take a fork and start shamelessly digging in to the cake whilst I sit cross legged on my bed alone. 

This may have been the most eventful birthday of my life, and also might just be my best.

I can't help but wish it had happened at the house with everyone I love. With Libby, Avery, Max, Xander, Nash and of course Jameson. 

Things are complicated. When are they not? Since I left I've received frequent texts from Libby. Some from Max and Xander. However only a few from Avery. 

And little to none from Jameson. He texted me the day after I left to make sure I got here safely, then one after a week to see if I was ok. But other than those two instances, there's been nothing.

It's almost midnight and I cannot help but check my phone every couple minutes in anticipation of a birthday text. I shouldn't expect it. That's selfish. But when my phones clock flips to midnight I can't help but feel a churn in my stomach. 

I place the birthday cake on my beside table and get under the fresh sheets. I find myself drifting into slumber after turning the lights off and getting comfortable. 

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