Chapter 54

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I did something bad by Taylor Swift

They say I did something bad.

It's been 16 hours since Avery's accident, I've been here for 12. Nash and Libby cuddle closely both sleeping whilst sitting on seats next to each other. Xander has his arm around Max's shoulder as she snores softly into his chest. 

The private waiting room is empty other than occasional doctors passing through. Avery's just out of surgery right now so we can't see her yet. 

Jameson and Grayson sit next to each other, neither one uttering a word. I sit in a ball on the floor, struggling to stop my thoughts from racing. 

Xander, Jameson, Grayson and I's heads all snap up at the sound of heals clicking that breaks the silence. Alisa makes an obvious cough, we look at her carefully. 

"We have a situation." She looks to me, speaking quietly so not to wake up the others. "What do you mean 'a situation'?" Grayson replies sharply. 

"It's best if we discuss this in private." She tells us. So I stand and follow her into an empty room. 

Jameson and Grayson walk in as well, Xander stays outside with Max still sleeping on him. "I'm guessing you've not checked your phone recently?" She asks. 

I shake my head. Not since almost 11 hours ago. 

"There's no easy way to put this.." she starts. Fuck. Who died?

"Something has been posted online.." she begins. My brain starts playing through every photo I've ever taken or had taken. What if it was another one from the stalker?

She sighs and passes me her phone, not wanting to have to say it. 

The air stops coming through my lungs when i process it. 

On the phone, a drunken me giggles as my bra is removed by T-Rex. My heart sinks to the bottom of my stomach. Anyone has access to this video. Jameson and Grayson who were both previously watching over my shoulder now look away uncomfortably. I read over the caption: Consider this a warning. You betray us, we bite back. Posted by Tiger.

"We've got people working on taking it down and removing all reposts however the video has still been released which means anyone could have saved it. And unfortunately the video currently has over 50 thousand views after only an hour. Due to your age and the video, we're already beginning the process of pressing charges, not only to the original poster but also the person in the video as he is 22 whilst you're only 16." 

I nod, unsure what to say if I can say anything. 

"I'll let you be alone." Alisa nods with a small pitiful smile. Then she walks out and leaves the three of us alone. 

My breathing is shaky and I'm trembling but I focus on taking my phone out from my back pocket. I open the post and start reading the comments. 

Before I can even read one Jameson slips my phone out of my hands and turns it off, placing it in his back pocket. 

"What are you doing?" My voice quivers. "You shouldn't look at comments. Never look at comments." He shakes his head. 

"My life is over. I'm never going to college. I'm never getting a job. People already hate me this'll just make everything even worse." I pace from one side of the room to the other. 

The boys probably think I'm a slut now. I mean I always have been, it started when I was just going between them but now I'm letting some guy take my clothes off.

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