Chapter 15

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"Libs?" I yell from the top of the stairs, she turns and I hurry faster down the stairs. "Why is he here?" I fume, I don't get an answer, just a quick hug. I hand her the phone still clutched in my hand. "I better get started on some cupcakes" Libby says, "is that your answer to everything?" I scoff with a smile. "You can actually have one this time. You're not dancing anymore so why does your diet matter?" She smiles before running in the direction of the kitchen. I shake my head with a slight smile.

"I didn't know you could dance" Jameson says right behind me, his head on my shoulder. I don't turn to face him, I stay still trying to focus on the conversation taking place about how to get Drake to leave. "I can do a lot of things you would be surprised to know" I smirk, only he can hear me as I speak in a whisper. 

From the side of my eyesight I can see his eyebrow raise and a mischievous grin lace his smug face. "I don't believe you.. guess you'll have to prove it to me" my smirk grows at his words and his deep voice. 

"I was on my schools cheer team" I smile, knowing that obviously isn't what he's looking for. "So you're flexible?" He asks, "I guess" my eyes brows scrunch up, confused at where he's going with this. "That could come in handy" he finishes. My eyes widen and a little laugh escapes my smirking lips. Everyone turns towards me and sees Jameson's chin resting on my shoulder from behind, I don't have to see him to picture the innocent puppy face he is making right now.

Nash has already called Avery and she is on her way home. Alisa gets a phone call from Avery and she steps out the room to answer. I wait at the entrance to the house with Nash and Jameson anticipating Avery's return. "I'll go check up on your sister" Nash says in his thick accent, I nod in approval. He heads for the kitchen leaving Jameson and I, me sitting on the third step of the tall staircase and him standing against a wall about six metres away from one another. 

We stand in silence until the harsh steps of Nash's cowboy boots can no longer be heard. Jameson makes his way towards me and takes a seat on the step above me. "Tell me Mystery Girl's sister-" he breaks the silence with a smirk, "What is up with you and these nicknames" I huff. "Eiffel Tower or Mystery Girl's sister" he offers. "I'm my own person!" I say sternly, I'm sick of being known as the 'the Hawthorne heiresses sister' or just not being acknowledged at all. "Eiffel Tower it is" he settles.

"Tell me Eiffel Tower, what were you before?" He asks both vaguely and precise at the same time. "Excuse me?" I giggle, "What was your life like before?" He establishes. I sigh, "bliss" I smile. "And why's that?" He asks with a genuine smile. "I didn't have to put up with you" I tease. 

He waits for me to answer again, "I had a perfect life" I tell him. "I was the most popular girl in school, captain of dance club and co-captain of the cheer squad. I had two amazing jobs where I got to hang out with my friends, I had a hot boyfriend, I was friends with everyone and was pretty good in my classes and I was so close to finally going to my dream school! Now.. I'm just Avery's sister. I have an ex-boyfriend that hits me and lies about it on press so the world thinks I'm a skank. I don't have any friends who haven't asked me to get them money and I'll never go to my dream school" I vent. I stay silent for a moment then let out a demonic groan which lasts longer than my last relationship whilst lean back onto the stairs behind me. 

"I haven't asked you for money" he chooses that to mention, "Right enough, I probably should after that therapy session" he jokes making me unwillingly smile up at his beautiful facial features. "So you think we're friends now?" I laugh, "I think we're a lot more than friends" he whispers. "We've known each other about five days" I smirk. "Yet we still have so much chemistry" his voice is quiet but husky.

"Show me some of your moves" he says "What?" I laugh. "Dance for me" he instructs. I laugh "come on Ms 'Captain of the dance squad' show me what you got!" he says. I stand up and offer my hand to him, he takes it and I pull him to his feet. 

I put his right hand in mine and his left hand on my waist, we dance around for a little, stopping every few minutes to allow me time to laugh. We stop when I start giggling and he just watches me with a smile. I turn my head to face him again and stand frozen like a deer in head lights when I finally take in his gleaming emerald eyes, the breathe is stolen from my lungs and my laughing ceases. I gulp and don't break the eye contact for what feels like a lifetime. His hand reaches out towards my face and even then I don't dare move, his cold hand grazes my cheek as it makes its way to my neck. It reaches my neck and slowly slides towards the back of my neck sending shivers throughout my entire body which he definitely felt as he smirks slightly. 

His other hand is already on my waist and snakes around until it arrives at the small of my back. He takes a small step forward and with the hand already on my neck he angles my neck to the side of my shoulder. His hand then moves from my neck and sweeps the hair off my neck.

His neck bends down a little and his head makes its way to my neck. His warm breath slowly tickles my neck before he brings his lips down. He starts out with soft and tender pecks before progressively getting hungrier, with the previous kiss it felt like he was sucking the life out of me which makes my mouth drop and try to resist the urge to let out a moan. Thankfully I conceal it and don't give him that pleasure.

It's only when I feel like my stomach is being swarmed by butterflies when he begins to slow down but right as the kisses turn back to pecks he teases me by finishing with the best one yet which is in the most sensitive of spots where my neck connects with my shoulders. This time I audibly gasp and bite my lip as soon as the sound of a moan falls from my mouth. 

I feel his smirk grow on my neck clearly having received what he wanted, my cheeks burn as he removes his lips from my neck and brings his forehead to mine. We watch each other's pupils dilate a little as both of our chests lift up and down. 

I almost try to connect our lips but a loud and very much fake cough makes me turn quickly. I see Alisa standing with her arms crossed, "You're all good, your temperature isn't too high, no need to worry" I say trying to cover. "I was a teenager once too, I've done this all before" my sisters lawyer says. 

"How's everything going with the Drake situation?" I change the subject. "You're sister has decided to have an impromptu press interview" she says sternly and I'm almost scared for myself as though it was me in the wrong, I dread to know what she'll do to my sister.

 "May I have a word" she looks at me and then flicks her eyes to Jameson before back to me, "yeah" I nod. Jameson removes his hand from my back and I walk off with Alisa and get to a place where Jameson definitely won't hear us or see us. "Take it from someone with passed experience.. don't fall in love with a Hawthorne, it'll only hurt you in the end" she says, "I'm not in love!" I defend. She looks at me for a moment as if she doesn't believe me "It's not good for you're reputation either, if the press find out it won't be good for anyone. It could bring unnecessary attention to you and with the interview at large people may start to be less generous about who's side they take" she lectures. 

But none of that matters because I don't love him.


(A/N: hi everyone, I'm pretty sure a lot of the Jameson fans out there will be very happy with this chapter but things can change. Also as you can probably tell, I've never even had my first kiss yet never mind any of this so if it's not accurate then that's why. I enjoyed writing this chapter as its very different from my usual stuff. Let me know what you thought and have a good day/night)

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