Chapter 76

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So it goes by Taylor Swift

Getting caught up in a moment, lipstick on your face. So it goes, I'm yours to keep and I'm yours to lose.

TW: Sexual Content

School has been going great. Rehearsals are even greater. Things with Grayson have been going smoothly. Everything's perfect. Well.. mostly.

With all the time spent laying low, spending time with Grayson, rehearsing, working, it's becoming harder and harder to track what day we're at.

It's currently the 10th of October and we're almost reaching the Fall break. On the 17th we get two weeks of vacation time. I'm a little nervous about having so much free time. 

Being with Grayson feels like a never ending honeymoon. Although a thought has been nagging the back of my mind every time we hang out. What are we? Are we girlfriend and boyfriend or just friends with benefits. I want to be with him but we've never labelled what we have and I don't want to put him in a box or anything but when people ask if we're together should I say yes? Should I be angry if I ever find out he kisses someone else, friends with benefits aren't exclusive so does that mean we can both kiss other people?

I get out the steamy shower and hug the towel around my body. I open the bathroom door and step out, getting eyed by a very hungry looking Grayson who is laying on my bed waiting for me.

I feel his eyes on me the whole walk around to the window to close the curtains, the room now only being lit by some lamps.

"You're staring." I comment without turning around.

"Wouldn't dream of it." He replies, I suddenly drop my towel to the floor.

I slowly turn around, his eager eyes scanning all over my nude figure. "Really? Cause it kinda looks like you're staring." I hum.

The only sound to fill the silent room are his desperate and deep breaths. "You want something Gray?" I ask innocently, his eyes still roaming.

"I want a lot of things." He swallows. 

"Come tell me then Gray." I speak lowly in a gravely voice, turning around to face the cabinets as I search through for my pj's.

The sound of Grayson approaching behind me fills my ears as I pretend to ignore him. He breathes down warmly on my neck, i tilt my head as chills cover my entire body.

"Can I touch you?" He whispers roughly. "You can run me over with a car and I'd still thank you Grayson." I admit, only half joking. He scoffs with a smirk.

He places a hand on my stomach that begins to wonder my body and caress each and every curve on my body, his hand slips between my thighs and without even hesitating he slides two fingers inside of me. 

I gasp and feel my knees becoming weaker already. I roll my head back onto his shoulder with a moan. He quickly spins me around to face him and pushes me up against the wall as we ferociously begin kissing with passion and lust.

He lifts me up by the thighs and carries me over to my bed again. He drops me down and gets a condom out. 

He kneels above me and in a husky and low voice he asks "You sure?" 

I immediately nod in response, I help him roll on the condom and feel him thrust inside of me. 

I pull his shoulders closer to me so that our bodies are fully connected as we keep kissing. I let out a loud moan, his hand locks into mine as he reaches full speed. 

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