Chapter 52

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A&W by Lana Del Rey

It's not about having someone to love me anymore. This is the experience of bein' an American whore.

Tiger had called the others for an emergency hang out in her basement after I left the House for good. She had given me a change of clothes that I put on as we waited for the guys to arrive. I wear ripped low waisted jeans with a thin chain, a skin tight cropped long sleeved black shirt and a black leather jacket. This is the kind of outfit Tiger wears often.

 "So you get a chance to grab any money on your way out?" Yoda asks with a smirk.

"I wish, Tiger's letting me crash here for as long as I need. I'm gonna need to start getting a cut out of what we deal cause i'm not getting anymore of their money." I laugh. We start playing truth or dare to occupy our attention as we get even more drunk.

The others aren't as drunk as me because Tiger and I had been out all night already and they were just starting, Tiger gets drunk but not badly. 

"Cash, Truth or dare." Tiger asks. "Dare." I reply courageously. "Take a piece of clothing off every time someone chooses truth for the rest of the game." She dares me. I nod in acceptance, "T-Rex, Truth or dare?" I ask.

"Truth." He smirks, I smirk and happily remove my socks. "What is the weirdest thing you've ever done?" I ask. "Tiger." He answers simply, I take a moment before realising what he means and my jaw drops in shock.

"Triceratops, truth or dare?" T-Rex asks. "Truth." He grins, glancing towards me. I unzip my jeans and roll them off.

It doesn't seem to matter to anyone anymore about the questions, everyone seems to be getting lazier and lazier with their questions only caring about one goal.

"Yoda, truth or dare?" Triceratops asks. I don't even need to listen before removing my warm leather jacket, leaving me in only my t-shirt and underwear, a pink lacy set I had bought back when I was with Jameson, when I had thought we would take the next step at some point.

"Tiger, truth or dare?" Yoda offers. "Sorry babes, Truth." She laughs. I giggle and peel my t-shirt off my body. They are lucky that I am drunk beyond repair right now.

"Paris, truth or dare?" Tiger asks. "Well last time I chose dare this happened so truth. Plus you said if anyone else chooses truth so I'm safe." I justify.

"Fine, if the Hawthorne House went on fire and it was only you and the four boys, you're safe and can only choose to save one, who would you save?" Tiger asks.

"I'd probably let them all burn." I snigger. "Answer the question or take three shots." Yoda offers. I grimace and pick up a shot glass, filling it up to the top with vodka and downing it, followed by another, then another.

By the time I'm finished, my throat feels like it's burning. I hear them all cheer for me as I laugh to myself.

"T-Rex, truth or dare?" Tiger asks for me, i can feel my vision becoming slightly fuzzy and my head feeling significantly lighter. I already accept my fate of having to take my bra or thong off in front of everyone.

"Dare." He sighs, looking towards me and winking, seemingly sparing me. The others take a moment to think, "We dare you to take off Cash's next piece of clothing.." they start.

He sighs and rolls his eyes telling me to turn around, I do and just as he's about to take it off they add something "..with your mouth." Tiger giggles.

We both grimace, "oh come on, live a little." Triceratops throws a couple of his salted nuts that he is snacking on at us making us both laugh slightly.

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