Chapter 16

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Holy shit! Jameson Hawthorne and his beautiful pink lips can do shit that nobody I've ever met can. I make my way to the kitchen, hoping to seek advice from Libby but when I arrive she is not alone. 

"Libby?" Avery says and I make my way inside as well sitting cross legged atop the counter. Cupcakes are everywhere and I mean everywhere. "Do you think I should go for red velvet or salted caramel next?" She holds an icing bag with both hands. Her blue hair was a mess and was slowly escaping her ponytail if you could even call it that. "Red Velvet" I reply, Avery's head snap towards me and she makes a face to say 'not helping'. 

"She's been at it for hours," Nash says. I jump when he speaks having not noticed his figure leaning on the refrigerator with both thumbs inside the belt loops of his jeans. "Her phone's been going off for just as long." 

"Don't talk about me like I'm not here." Libby glances up from her cupcakes and side eyes Nash. "Yes, ma'am." Nash smiles. "Drake is gone," Avery changes the subject "I took care of it."

"I'm supposed to take care of you." Libby replies, "Stop looking at me like that, Avery. I'm not going to break."

"'Course not, darlin'," Nash says. "You..." Libby sneers annoyance gleaming in her eyes "You shut up." I think that's the meanest I've seen Libby say, not that it's even close to mean on my levels. "Shutting up now." Nash picks up a cupcake and takes a large chuck out of it. "For what it's worth, I vote for red velvet next."

Libby smiles a little. "Salted caramel it is." She decides with a smug face, "Really?" I grunt at Nash who chose this fate for me.

It's almost midnight when I hear the loud noise. My eyes are sealed shut but the sound make them twitch a little, regardless of that I still don't awaken. It comes again. And again. It's a thump like someone hitting wood but I determine it isn't coming from the door so I let myself continue sleeping. I hear it a few more times before blissful silence comes. Only a minute later I feel a presence near me, I hear whispers but can't decipher it into words. 

I only open my eyes when I feel water on my face, it takes me a second to realise what's happening, "Christ even that didn't wake her, you sure she isn't dead?' Jameson Winchester Hawthorne asks poking my shoulder. I open my eyes and suddenly feel very wet. 

"Avery!" I scream and jump to my feet, I run towards her in the bright pink light of my childhood nightlight. I chase her for another second before I feel two arms around my waist holding on to me as I try to run but end up floating and kicking my legs around.

"Let go Hawthorne!" I yell, he puts his hand over my mouth and I smile against it already knowing exactly what I'm going to do to get free. I stick my tounge out and lick his hand, he quickly releases me and inspects his hand with disgust "did you just lick me?" He asks with a disgusted expression. 

"Yes I did" I clarify proudly before running at Avery again with every intention of ripping every single hair out of her head individually. "We got the next clue" Jameson says, I pause. "You're lucky" I point at Avery. I have them explain everything they know and what the plan is. 

"Why are we still waiting then? Let's go" I say. I grab my jacket and shoes, leaving through the the passage the two had entered through still only dressed in the thin material of my pyjama shorts and vest.

We make our way outside to the woods "The Black Wood is enormous. Finding anything there will be impossible if we don't know what we're looking for." Jameson says as we walk outside. 

"The brook is easier. It runs most of the length of the property, but if I know my grandfather, we're not looking for something in the water. We're looking for something on—or under—the bridge."

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