Chapter 78

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We arrive in Texas early in the morning, around 3am. Grayson and I were met at the airport by two security guards as well as Alisa and Oren. 

I smile fondly at the familiar sight of Alisa and Oren. Grayson and I both fashion sweats and a shared pair of earphones, I wear some comfortable UGG boots. Fashionable sunglasses sit atop my messy ponytail. He carries my suitcase and his, whilst I take both of our duffle bags of carry on. 

We both stalk down the escalator in the almost completely empty airport. The only noise in our ears being the quiet sound of folklore by Taylor Swift in both of our headphones thanks to me. 

Oren spots us first and gestures to us, Alisa whips around with an angrily expression. Before we can even say hello once reaching them, Alisa jumps into an interrogation. 

"How rational must you be to leave the most heavily guarded House in the country without warning or even the slightest glimpse of your locations, to the point two of the most highly at risk teenagers in the states are out wondering alone without protection?" Alisa's loud voice echos the silent airport with only a few other residents. 

"I've nearly died 500 times at the 'most heavily guarded house in the country' but during my time at College I haven't even had a single threat to my life, how great is that?" I smile. 

"And you Grayson? I expected better after the years of training we've put you through." She turns her glare to the tired boy. 

"Would you just relax? We're safe. We're here. And we know you're only acting so bitter cause you missed us." I grin teasingly. 

She tilts her head warningly, "It's good to have you both back." She nods through gritted teeth after receiving a look from Oren.

"Avery will be happy to have you back." Oren tells us with a small smile. "I'm sure she will." I smile as I pull my sunglasses down over my sleep deprived eyes. 

"Well I'm very glad you two have got cosy since your departure however I'm very disappointed to have to inform you that tonight you will be sleeping in separate complexes." Alisa says sarcastically.

"Cosy?" Grayson quotes repulsed by such accusations. "Yeah we just met up on the plane when we realised we had the same flight. Haven't seen him since I left." I deny. 

Oren raises a brow and glances between us, Alisa gives an unconvinced nod. If we were going to lie about this we'd have to do a much better job than this. 

Nevertheless we're both escorted to separate hotel rooms in Avery's large hotel. I get a room on the top floor and him on the bottom. 

I immediately send a text to Max.

Me: Are you here yet?

Max: Driving to hotel from airport now, almost back.

Me: Omg meet me at vending machines in 30 mins

Max: I'll be there.

And just as promised, at 4:30am Max showed up in sweats and a messy ponytail just like me at the vending machines. A few snack machines line a wall, next to some drink ones and a large ice machine. 

Immediately when I see her I freeze. We both just look at each other for a moment before a smile creeps onto her face, "Come on then Pear Bear, don't just stand there. Give old Maximilian a hug." She smirks. 

I launch into a hug with her and we jump around squealing excitedly. "I missed you so much." She cries into my shoulder, "I missed you too." My voice is muffled by her thick sweater. 

"Your hair, Pear Bear! You look so different! You look so Frat Girl Hot!" She screams. I stifle a laugh, preparing to reply a joking comment.

Behind me I hear a creak of the floor board and jump into defence mode, turning around sharply. I'm met with the alarmed face of Grayson Hawthorne holding an empty bucket.

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