Chapter 96

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Why'd you only call me when you're high by Arctic Monkeys

Why'd you only call me when you're high?

I have my duffel bag ready in one hand and my suitcase in the other. "Are you really leaving?" Xander frowns with sadness. 

I look at him with a stern but calm expression, "Xan you know I have to." I tell him. 

Avery got a call when the timer ran out, or so i've heard from Xander, Grayson and Avery went to speak to Zara and found a few things. Then Xander and Avery went to speak with Nan. Then Avery was shown Tobias Hawthorne's list. All of this whilst I was sleeping warmly in my bed for the last time.

"But knowing it's for the best doesn't make it hurt any less." Xander says softly.

I drop my duffle bag down to the ground and jump into his arms for one last hug. His arms grip around my stomach squeezing me tight as if he'll never see me again. My legs are wrapped around his whole body and my hands are clinging to the back of his shirt. Tears drip down my face and onto his shirt. I can tell he's crying too based off the occasion cries out.

"You're the only good thing thats happened to this place." He speaks into my blonde hair.

This makes me cry even harder. I've said goodbye before. But this time something feels different. I'm not coming back, and this time I don't have Grayson to get my thoughts lost in. Once i'm gone i'm truly gone for good.

"Don't let Max hear you say that." I snark back through sniffles.

He scoffs a laugh through his tears, "I love Max." He confesses abruptly.

I gasp at his words and jump from his arms, grabbing his hands and forcing him to jump around with me as I squeal excitedly.

"When are you going to tell her?" I ask excitedly, neither of us even bothering to wipe the tears on our cheeks.

"Tell her? Are you crazy?" He laughs. "You have to tell her. She definitely loves you too, you should tell her." I bound excitedly.

I end up calling her to tease Xander and he panics around chasing me around the room as I have a normal conversation with her. Of course I wouldn't actually ruin that conversation for either of them but it's still funny to see him panic so much.

"Hey Maxxy." I sing in a mocking tone, squealing out when Xander almost catches me.

"Hi Pear? Why are you screaming?" Max replies through the phone. 

"Paris stop!" Xander yells out as I dodge his attempt at a grab and keep running around. The puppy jumps off the bed and starts chasing me too, seeing this as a fun game. Her huge ears flop around with every run. Her gentle and sweet barks attempt to be loud and scary but instead come out as comedic.

"Is that Xander? Why is he barking?" Max asks with confusion.

"Yeah it is. I've got a rabid beast chasing me, and a cute puppy." I joke, Xander sends me the middle finger as I call him a rabid beast. 

"You guys got a dog?" Max says excitedly. "She's adorable isn't she." I say, turning the camera on and aiming it down the bundle of joy chasing after me, then angling it up to Xander.

He pauses and adjusts himself so he doesn't look discomposed when Max see's him. I can't lie they are adorable together. 

Xander and I sit down together with the puppy desperately trying to climb up my shirt again to see Max. We tell her everything she's missed out on.

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