Christmas Oneshot - Jameson

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Hey, here's the Jameson oneshot for Christmas. Grayson's will be posted outwith this one later. Just a reminder this is not actually a part of the story so you can skip this without impacting the story for yourself. I guess this is just a little thank you for all of the support this book has received, I seriously don't think I can ever repay you all for the gratitude I feel. Thanks again and Happy Holidays, Feliz Navidad, Buon Natalie, Tis the damn Season, Joyeux Noel, and Merry Christmas. 

Much love - May <3

The cold Christmas snow nips my skin, falling down like a silent flurry. I look down at the snow covering the grass that my shiny black heels crunch across. 

Snowflakes remain on the small blonde hairs on my arms. A couple land on my nose like an array of white freckles.

Fluffy fields of snow before me paves the short walk from the SUV to the old fashioned castle. 

Avery and the boys had all been compelled to attend this Christmas Eve party with a bunch of other rich snobs, unlucky for me I had been dragged along as Xander's plus one. Avery brought Max, Nash brought Libby. So we were all here.

A brand new maroon dress hugs my body, showing off most of my body and causing me to be even colder. My hair pulled back into an excruciatingly tight ponytail. 

Max jogs ahead to catch up with me, the two of us now straying ahead of the crowd. 

"May I just say Miss Paris, your boobs look splendid in that dress." Max comments in an elegant voice, pretending to be rich like all the people roaming outside the castle.

"Ah yes, and your ass looks marvellous in that suit." I reply in the same tone. Both of us link arms and laugh as we approach the doors.

Max is wearing a bright green power suit and bouncy black curls in her hair. Avery's sequinned dress is gold and shimmering every time she moves. Libby's dress is a pale blue one matching her hair. The boys all wear classy black suits, different colored ties for each of them. Grayson's tie is gold, Xander's is green, Nash's is blue, Jameson hasn't bothered to show up yet so I don't actually know how he looks.

"Names?" A security guard asks with a deep and unimpressed voice. 

The best part about this whole party was the invites had gone out in secret so no paparazzi knew it was happening and it was held in such a desolate place that it wouldn't be found.

"Avery Grambs, Nash Hawthorne, Alexander Hawthorne and Grayson Hawthorne. With their plus ones Maxine Liu, Paris Grambs and Libby Grambs." Oren speaks for us. The guard nods to him in some sort of weird pack way, like 'hello fellow security guard' like some sort of mutual understanding. 

The tall wooden doors are pulled open and the guard gestures for us to step inside. 

The main hall is vast and buzzing with happy faces and expensive outfits. Fairy lights beam the whole room into a blissful joy. Loud Christmas music surrounds me. Ornaments and decorations are placed to perfection. A long snack table holds at least a thousand food options as well as a punch bowl.

The boys shake hands with a few random passer-by's with fond smiles. We wait in the hallways, accepting the drinks from two well dressed waiters. One tray has champagne, another has alcohol free champagne which most of us unfortunately have to take, except Libby and Nash. 

An enormous tree stands 20 feet tall in the main hallway. "The under 21's room is right this way if you'll follow me. Adults are free to proceed to the party room." A gentleman with slicked back silver hair winks. 

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