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Yan Qing waited for Yuan Yu for several days, and finally he arrived. The little flower demon's first reaction was not that he had finally arrived, but that he was finished.

——Will Geng Yihuai stew the cat meat on the spot?

He tilted his head and wanted to quietly take a look at Geng Yihuai's expression, but before he could take a closer look, the man patted his head: "Don't worry, I'll take care of her after she shows you a look."

Yan Qing: "..." Not at all reassured.

He rolled his eyes, said nothing, and followed Geng Yihuai through the door.

A fat orange cat was lying under the big golden dragon in the living room. Because the colors were somewhat similar, Yan Qing's eyes circled around the room and finally saw Yuan Yu.

The big orange cat was lying lazily. When she heard them entering the door, she turned over and yawned, and then she stood up and walked towards them.

Geng Yihuai and Yan Qing sat on the sofa one after another. Yan Qing sat upright with his hands on his knees, subconsciously curling his knuckles and clenching his pants tightly.

He had actually promised Geng Yihuai not to mention the child again.

But despite this, Yan Qing still wanted to confirm it in his heart.

Now that Yuanyu was about to take another test, he was naturally a little excited and nervous.

"Sir," Yuan Yu jumped onto the sofa in one fell swoop, "I received your message as soon as I got home -"

She suddenly felt Geng Yihuai's cold gaze, and the hair on her body exploded: "S-Sir... I, I, I I will definitely turn on the voice transmission next time I go on a trip!"

Geng Yihuai was satisfied and said, "Let's take a look at the child's bloodline."

"Wait a minute," Yan Qing said suddenly.

In the room, the other two big demons instantly cast confused glances at Yan Qing. Geng Yihuai held Yan Qing's hand and froze.

His expression remained unchanged, only the momentary stiffness of his limbs was captured by Yan Qing.

The little flower demon immediately took Geng Yihuai's hand: "I have something to say first."

Mr. Geng nodded: "Yes, let's talk."

Yan Qing smiled first.

"Let me guess," he smiled lightly, his eyes curved like the moon, filled with bright light, "Are you thinking that I have to deny that the child belongs to both of us?"

Geng Yihuai's eyes flashed. Slightly restrained and silent, the hand holding Yan Qing's hand froze again.

Apparently he hit the mark.

In the past, Yan Qing might not have been able to expose Geng Yihuai's emotions.

But since Geng Yihuai failed to control his old injuries last time, Yan Qing knew that sometimes what this person said on the surface could not be believed, and sometimes it was impossible to believe that this person seemed to have no emotions on the surface.

He directly pointed out Geng Yihuai's thoughts: "Whether the child is yours or not has nothing to do with us. Geng Yihuai, you..."

The little flower demon paused, and said with a stern face: "You are not allowed to think so wildly!"

He encouraged him. His cheeks and voice were soft, not threatening at all.

Geng Yihuai looked stunned and did not speak for a long time.

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