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After being together for so long, this was the first time that Yan Qing and Geng Yihuai had a disagreement.

He always wanted to accommodate Geng Yihuai more, but Geng Yihuai could always see through his accommodation, and in the end Geng Yihuai still accommodated him.

After going back and forth like this, no conflicts will break out.

But this time it was an exception. Yan Qing refused to retreat, and neither did Geng Yihuai.

Geng Yihuai woke up early. He looked at the sleeping Yan Qing for a long time before getting up. After all, he still couldn't defeat the little flower demon and quietly got up and went downstairs.

In the past, he always walked in front of Yan Qing. Even though Geng Yihuai didn't always express much, his mood could still be seen.

For example, right now, Tao Ning felt like she was freezing all over.

Risking his life, he asked tentatively: "Where is Yan Qing?"

"Not awake."

"You don't look right, Lao Geng." Tao Ning narrowed his eyes, "A fight?"


"Then you Why are you keeping a straight face? I haven't seen you get up with this expression for a long time since Yan Qing moved in. Hey, it feels so familiar -"

Geng Yihuai glanced at Tao Ning and successfully shut up the Taotie Demon with his eyes. On the lips.

Li Mushan stepped forward and said respectfully: "Sir, there has been progress regarding the black demons."


"Elder Canglang dug out the talismans unique to the black demons from the bodies of the black demons he captured. The function has just been tested. They can... contact the inside of the cave through those spells."

After saying this, Geng Yihuai looked confused, but Tao Ning's face suddenly darkened.

"Contact inside the cave entrance?" Tao Ning gritted his teeth, "Doesn't this mean that from some time ago, the black demon who ran out of the cave entrance has been able to contact the black demon who is still suppressed inside the cave entrance?"

"Yes. ."

Geng Yihuai's eyes moved slightly, his dark blue eyes unclear, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

Tao Ning analyzed: "There is actually a connection. It turns out that what is going on here, we have touched something on the other side of the cave entrance. They are so obsessed with Yan Qing. Could it be that the black demon inside the cave entrance needs Yan Qing to do something? This is also It's too hard to guess. Have you found any information about the Flower Demon Clan?"

Li Mushan shook his head: "No, the Stone Flower of the Flower Demon Clan is too old, and it was the first black demon turmoil at that time, and many demon clans were Dating, it is too difficult for us to verify now."

At that time, Geng Yihuai also fell into a deep sleep due to serious injuries, and it took many years for him to wake up.

"Good boy, why on earth do these black demons keep staring at Yan Qing?"

"It's not that complicated." Geng Yihuai finally spoke.

"Sir, do you have any ideas?"

Li Mushan walked to the kitchen and cooked a cup of coffee for Geng Yihuai and Tao Ning respectively.

Geng Yihuai took it in his hand and said slowly: "No matter what the black monsters do, they have only one purpose."

Hearing this, both Tao Ning and Li Mushan looked stern.

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