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Geng Yihuai sat there leaning on the sofa, frowning slightly, and glanced at the eight big demons in front of him.

Tao Ning raised her eyebrows and looked at him with an expression on her face, "Why are you hiding it from us at this time?"

Elder Tian Qingque's eyes flashed with confusion, and then he showed a speculative expression, as if he was thinking about whether he had ulterior motives.

The other six elders looked at Geng Yihuai to the left and Tao Ning to the right, with expressions of "fuck" on their faces.

Tao Ning: "Lao Geng, didn't you and I confirm this?"

Elder Qingque: "Sir, please stop joking!"

The other six elders: "???"

"Tao Ning," Geng Yihuai directly named the culprit. , "Please tell me clearly, what is a child, and what does it have to do with Yan Qing?"

His voice was low, his expression was very serious, and there was no trace of joking in his dark blue eyes. Tao Ning was so shocked that she didn't even dare to joke: "Isn't Yan Qing pregnant with your child? We went to eat seafood together that day. He suddenly fainted after you went out. I offended and probed his body and found out. At that time, I went back I confirmed it with you on the way, you didn't deny it..."

Geng Yihuai moved his hands on his knees, curling up his long knuckles and tapping his knees with his fingertips.

That day...

Tao Ning didn't say anything about the child from beginning to end. He just asked him if he would be responsible for Yan Qing. From beginning to end, he just treated him as if he was asking about their romantic relationship that night.

He suddenly felt his throat was dry: "You all get out."

"Um, Old Geng -" Tao Ning received Geng Yihuai's rude look and swallowed his next words.

Elder Tian Qingque also hesitated to speak. They were full of joy, but as a result, they had not seen anyone or given any gifts. The owner of the house directly issued an eviction order.

Geng Yihuai turned his head slightly and looked in the direction of the second floor without saying a word.

He was used to being calm, but when he suddenly noticed this through someone else's mouth, he still looked calm. But Tao Ning vaguely felt that this ancient demon who was born to be rebellious seemed to have a complicated emotion for a moment.

Surprise, hesitation, confusion...

in short, these are not the emotions Geng Yihuai should have.

Tao Ning noticed the subtlety here and hurriedly stopped Elder Tian Qingque who wanted to say something: "Elder, nothing will happen to the entrance of the cave for thousands of years. This period of time is really abnormal. Why don't we go and take a look now? We can't do it every time. He asked Lao Geng to block him every time."

After saying that, he didn't give Elder Tian Qingque a chance to refute. He picked up the old elder and walked out. The other six elders followed behind him. , the villa returned to silence again.

Geng Yihuai was sitting on the sofa on the first floor, his eyes still fixed on the second floor.

He slowly closed his eyes, and the sound coming from his ears became clearer and clearer. The demonic power gradually spread, and he heard the movement in Yan Qing's room.

The little flower demon seemed to be chatting with her friends and writing something in her hand.

The sound of the pen falling was endless, and the young man's voice was clear and clear, not contaminated by any turbidity in the world. His tone was soothing, and his voice was wrapped in a smile.

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